10 facts about the new H7 har­ves­ter head 

1. The new PONSSE H7 is very much like the pre­viously rede­sig­ned H8 har­ves­ter head – the power­ful fee­ding and excel­lent power-to-weight ratio improve pro­duc­ti­vity on all types of har­ves­ting sites. The maxi­mum fee­ding speed directly to the desi­red length, as well as the cont­rol­led acce­le­ra­tion and bra­king of the feed, reduce damage to wood caused by fee­ding and improve the efficiency of the mac­hine. 

2. With the new optio­nal Ponsse Active Speed func­tion, the fee­ding speed of the har­ves­ter head can be adjus­ted accor­ding to the type of tree species and stem dia­me­ter.

3. Impro­ved feed rol­ler geo­metry for more efficient hand­ling of lar­ger trees.

4. A lar­ger dia­me­ter length mea­su­ring wheel impro­ves mea­su­ring accu­racy.

5. The hydrau­lics no lon­ger have a pass-through block, but the con­nec­tion hoses con­ti­nue straight from the boom to har­ves­ter head. This way they will no lon­ger bend over a tight bend when the tree is fel­led down and the har­ves­ter head til­ted. This saves hoses from wear and inc­rea­ses their ser­vice life. In addi­tion, it faci­li­ta­tes easier hose replace­ment and reduces fuel con­sump­tion.

6. Seve­ral impro­ve­ments have been made to the har­ves­ter head to pre­vent snow pac­king, such as a wider saw box design and a renewed newly avai­lable optio­nal SC150 saw unit.

7. Renewed delim­bing knife arran­ge­ment for more stable wood hand­ling.

8. The cylin­ders are more ser­vice friendly.

9. The renewed H7 is the result of years of deve­lop­ment and tes­ting. The star­ting point has been cus­to­mer feed­back from all over the world. The har­ves­ter head has been tes­ted in seve­ral dif­fe­rent con­di­tions, in dif­fe­rent count­ries and with seve­ral dif­fe­rent tree species.

10. Pons­se’s tra­di­tio­nal H7 is one of the most popu­lar har­ves­ter heads in the PONSSE har­ves­ter head pro­duct family. The new H7 will soon replace the old H7 har­ves­ter head in pro­duc­tion.