Pri­vacy Policy

Ponsse Plc
Busi­ness ID: 0934209–0
Pons­sen­tie 22
74200 Vie­remä
Tel. +358 20 768 800

Please learn more about our Pri­vacy Policy on Ponsse Plc’s web­site.


Our web­site uses coo­kies. A coo­kie is a small text file that the inter­net brow­ser saves on the visi­tor’s device. Coo­kies are used, for example, when the visi­tor’s infor­ma­tion is to be sto­red when the visi­tor moves from one page of the inter­net ser­vice to anot­her. Coo­kies do not damage the visi­tor’s device or files. The coo­kie can be per­ma­nently sto­red on the visi­tor’s device or it can be dele­ted after using the ser­vice.

Coo­kies can be used to col­lect, among other things, the fol­lowing infor­ma­tion:

This site uses coo­kies. We use coo­kies to cus­to­mize the con­tent and adver­ti­se­ments we offer, to sup­port social media fea­tu­res and to ana­lyze our visi­tor num­bers. In addi­tion, we share infor­ma­tion about how you use our site with our social media, adver­ti­sing and ana­ly­tics part­ners. Our part­ners may com­bine this infor­ma­tion with other infor­ma­tion you have pro­vi­ded to them or col­lec­ted when you have used their ser­vices. Coo­kies are small text files that web­si­tes can use to make the user expe­rience more efficient.

Accor­ding to the law, we can store coo­kies on your device if it is abso­lu­tely impor­tant for the ope­ra­tion of the site. We need your con­sent for the use of all types of coo­kies. This site uses dif­fe­rent types of coo­kies. Some coo­kies are set by third-party ser­vices on our web­site. You can change or with­draw your con­sent on our site through the coo­kie noti­fica­tion.

Read more about who we are, how you can con­tact us and how we process your per­so­nal data in our Pri­vacy Policy.

Please pro­vide your appro­val ID and date when you con­tact us regar­ding your appro­val.

Your per­mis­sion applies to the fol­lowing domains:


The site’s own coo­kies can store visi­tor-speci­fic infor­ma­tion and set­tings inten­ded for use of the site, such as, for example, user­name, ser­vice login infor­ma­tion, lan­guage or region selec­tion. The infor­ma­tion is used to imple­ment the site’s func­tions, cus­to­mize them and remem­ber the choices made by the user. These coo­kies may be neces­sary for the ope­ra­tion and use of the site. Coo­kies do not store infor­ma­tion that would be used for mar­ke­ting or trac­king visi­tors in other ser­vices or on other sites.


With the help of ser­vices pro­vi­ded by third par­ties, we col­lect web­site visi­tor sta­tis­tics and ana­lyze the data. Our goal is to deve­lop the qua­lity and con­tents of our site in a user-orien­ted man­ner. In order to imple­ment visi­tor trac­king and ana­ly­tics, the ser­vices can store their own coo­kies, and uti­lize and com­bine infor­ma­tion that the ser­vice has col­lec­ted about the same visi­tor on dif­fe­rent sites.

We ensure that the cloud or other online ser­vices we use out­side the EU or the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area work in accor­dance with the Per­so­nal Data Act.

You can read more about the acti­vi­ties of each ser­vice pro­vi­der, the infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted, the use of coo­kies and the pri­vacy prac­tices on the res­pec­tive ser­vice pro­vi­der’s own web­site.


We also use exter­nal ser­vices on the site, for example to moni­tor mar­ke­ting and to serve our cus­to­mers even bet­ter. We recom­mend that you also fami­lia­rize your­self with the ser­vices’ own pri­vacy policies.


Google Ana­ly­tics is Google’s trac­king tool, which tells, among other things, how many visi­tors the site has at cer­tain times and how visi­tors come to the site. We use Ana­ly­tics to moni­tor the beha­vior of mar­ke­ting and tar­get groups.

More infor­ma­tion: Google Pri­vacy Policy and Google Ana­ly­tics Pri­vacy and Secu­rity Policy