• Unca­te­go­rized

Joen­suu is the Ser­vice Centre of the Year in Fin­land

Joen­suu has been cho­sen as Pons­se’s Fin­nish Ser­vice Centre of the Year 2023. The eva­lua­tion cri­te­ria are based on cus­to­mer feed­back, ope­ra­tio­nal and safety per­for­mance, and pro­fi­ta­bi­lity.

Most popu­lar articles

  • Ponsse network
  • Ponsse Solu­tions
  • Sus­tai­na­bi­lity

Epec opens a res­pon­sible and smart fac­tory

The rapid deve­lop­ment of tech­no­logy and inc­rea­sing sus­tai­na­bi­lity demands pro­vide Epec with an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to cont­ri­bute to tech­no­logy aimed at zero emis­sions.
  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries

Ponsse manu­fac­tu­res its 20,000 forest mac­hine

The 20,000[th] PONSSE forest mac­hine has been comple­ted at Ponsse’s fac­tory in Vie­remä, Fin­land. After the celebra­tion on 11 Decem­ber, the PONSSE Bear har­ves­ter with PONSSE H8 har­ves­ter head will go to a Norwe­gian cus­to­mer, Lågen Skogsdrift AS.