Ponsse’s new solu­tions for sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting

Ponsse will demon­strate new solu­tions at the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion in Jämsä that sup­port the daily acti­vi­ties of forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and help forest mac­hine ent­repre­neurs moni­tor the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity of their fleet. Ponsse’s new forwar­ders Elk and Wisend and H7 har­ves­ter heads will be showca­sed at the event for the first time.

  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries

Log­ging in the state forests with eight mac­hi­nes

The PONSSE Scor­pion Giant belon­ging to forest mac­hine ent­repre­neur Mikko Kal­li­nen is cur­rently enga­ged in thin­ning a state forest in Suo­mus­salmi. The first thin­ning in the area was per­for­med around 15 years ago, and now it is time for the second thin­ning. This lea­ves the forest a little thin­ner than in Kallinen’s own region of North Kare­lia. The job is far from home but otherwise plea­sant, as the forest floor is quite flat and free of sto­nes and bus­hes, the forest roads are in excel­lent con­di­tion, and the area covers a rea­so­nable size, so there is enough to cut for the har­ves­ter and forwar­der all the way from August to Novem­ber.
  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries
  • Unca­te­go­rized

SIA Gran­tini 1 takes care of almost 10 percent of all forest har­ves­ting in Lat­via

Few com­pa­nies can say they take care of almost 10 percent of all forest har­ves­ting in their home country. In the coming years, Lat­vian com­pany SIA Gran­tini 1 will come very close to achie­ving a 10 percent share, as approxi­ma­tely 12 mil­lion cubic met­res of forest is har­ves­ted annually in Lat­via, and SIA Gran­tini 1 alone har­vests approxi­ma­tely one mil­lion cubic met­res. Lat­via may be a small country, but it does have a lot of forests.
  • Ponsse network

Finn­METKO 2024

The 20th Finn­METKO Exhi­bi­tion was held on 29. – 31 August 2024 in Jämsä, Fin­land.

Most popu­lar articles

  • Ponsse Solu­tions

Ponsse’s new solu­tions for sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting

Ponsse will demon­strate new solu­tions at the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion in Jämsä that sup­port the daily acti­vi­ties of forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and help forest mac­hine ent­repre­neurs moni­tor the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity of their fleet. Ponsse’s new forwar­ders Elk and Wisend and H7 har­ves­ter heads will be showca­sed at the event for the first time.
  • Log­ging news

Accor­ding to Fin­nish pri­vate inves­tors, Ponsse is the most repu­table lis­ted com­pany in Fin­land

Accor­ding to a sur­vey con­duc­ted by the Fin­nish Sha­re­hol­ders’ Associa­tion, the Fin­nish Foun­da­tion for Share Pro­mo­tion and T‑Media, the most repu­table lis­ted com­pany in 2024 is Ponsse. The sur­vey eva­lua­ted the repu­ta­tion of 80 lis­ted com­pa­nies in the eyes of Fin­nish pri­vate inves­tors. Ponsse is the only com­pany in the sur­vey to achieve an excel­lent repu­ta­tion.