Celebra­ting 40 years as a cont­rac­tor and ten years with Ponsse

With four mac­hine groups, Swe­dish fore­stry mac­hine cont­rac­tor Inge Gus­tafs­son, based in Gimo in north Uppland, is often enga­ged in a busi­ness cont­ract of some kind. Though he is well past the state reti­re­ment age, this has not stop­ped him from plan­ning new invest­ments. If he also has time to do some thin­ning, that is the icing on the cake for him.

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Four deca­des with Ponsse in the forests of nort­hern Swe­den 

 When Rolf Nyström upgra­ded an older har­ves­ter in the 1980s, he chose a har­ves­ter head from Ponsse. That was his first con­tact with the Fin­nish manu­fac­tu­rer, but it was defi­ni­tely not his last. He now looks back on 40 years with Ponsse. 
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The PONSSE Scor­pion Giant — Expe­rience out of the ordi­nary

You would need trai­ned eyes to see that Mag­nus Berg was ope­ra­ting a mac­hine that con­tai­ned many sec­rets. He was actually test dri­ving the new PONSSE Scor­pion Giant. That it was making its first appea­rance in Swe­den and was only the fourth such mac­hine off the pro­duc­tion line furt­her rein­forces the sense of being a pio­neer.
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Take care of your workwear

Like mac­hi­nery, workwear needs main­te­nance to stay in good con­di­tion. Taking pro­per care of your workwear is impor­tant because it pro­longs their life and, the­re­fore, touc­hes your wal­let less.

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