A stron­ger new Ponsse network

Ponsse has renewed its glo­bal orga­ni­sa­tion, which focuses on ser­ving cus­to­mers bet­ter and more efficiently.

Ponsse wants to be close to its cus­to­mers and grow with them. Focused on sales and ser­vice, the new orga­ni­sa­tion has been divi­ded into five mar­ket areas and sup­ports cus­to­mers even bet­ter than before. Cus­to­mers and the aim to sup­port their ope­ra­tions are at the core of the new, even stron­ger, Ponsse network. The mar­ket areas are the Nor­dic count­ries (inclu­ding the Bal­tics), Europe, South Ame­rica, North Ame­rica, and Asia, Austra­lia and Africa. Ponsse ser­ves its cus­to­mers in more than 40 count­ries through its local orga­ni­sa­tions and dea­lers.

We want to sup­port our network bet­ter, so that they can serve our cus­to­mers even bet­ter than before. Our goal is the best cus­to­mer expe­rience every day.

- Marko Mat­tila, Chief Sales, Ser­vice & Mar­ke­ting Officer

Even bet­ter cus­to­mer ser­vice, across the world

The aim of the new areas and ope­ra­ting model is to ensure a glo­bally har­mo­ni­sed way of wor­king to meet future cus­to­mer needs. The goal is also a more uni­form way of doing things glo­bally. The new model seeks more uni­form ope­ra­ting met­hods and cost-effec­ti­ve­ness. The change is based on a chan­ged ope­ra­ting envi­ron­ment and the need to strengt­hen Pons­se’s long-term com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and pro­fi­ta­bi­lity. At the heart of eve­ryt­hing is the cus­to­mer and bet­ter cus­to­mer ser­vice.

Our new orga­ni­sa­tion is divi­ded into five dif­fe­rent areas. The Vice Pre­si­dents of each area ensu­res that cus­to­mers’ busi­ness needs are sup­por­ted in the best pos­sible way.


Ville Man­sik­ka­mäki
Vice Pre­si­dent, Europe

South Ame­rica

Mar­tin Toledo
Vice Pre­si­dent, South Ame­rica


Jaakko Lau­rila
Vice Pre­si­dent, Nor­dics

Asia, Austra­lia and Africa

Jussi Hen­tu­nen
Vice Pre­si­dent, Asia, Austra­lia, Africa

North Ame­rica

Marko Mat­tila*
Vice Pre­si­dent, North Ame­rica
