Aiming for a fos­sil-free future

The load space of the PONSSE Buf­falo forwar­der made from SSAB’s fos­sil-free steel at Ponsse’s fac­tory in Vie­remä was demon­stra­ted at Ponsse Show Swe­den at the begin­ning of June and at the Finn­METKO exhi­bi­tion. This mate­rial concept focuses on the mac­hi­ning capa­bi­li­ties, beha­viour and pro­per­ties of the new mate­rial used in forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­ring. The load space was built to test the mate­rial, and the mate­rial concept is part of the FORWARD27 eco­sys­tem pro­ject.

The project’s goal is to deve­lop inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gical solu­tions for chal­len­ging mobile mac­hi­nes to sup­port the use of sus­tai­nable solu­tions in the heavy mac­hi­nery industry.

For more infor­ma­tion about the FORWARD27 pro­ject, please visit