Bailey’s a new Ponsse dea­ler

Ponsse is expan­ding its dea­ler network in the Uni­ted Sta­tes. Ponsse has sig­ned a dea­ler agree­ment with Bailey’s, a com­pany based in Wood­lands in Cali­for­nia. The new dea­ler will focus on the sales and ser­vices of PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes, as well as the pro­vi­sion of main­te­nance and trai­ning, in the sta­tes of Cali­for­nia and Nevada.

Establis­hed by Bill and Judith Bai­ley in 1975, the family busi­ness is already run by the second gene­ra­tion – Bill’s sons Nik and Sam Bai­ley. Bailey’s has ope­ra­ted in the forest industry since the begin­ning.

“We are thril­led to part­ner with Ponsse and bring their excep­tio­nal forest mac­hi­nes to our cus­to­mers in Cali­for­nia. Ponsse’s equip­ment is syno­ny­mous with qua­lity and inno­va­tion,” says Nik Bai­ley, CEO of Bailey’s.

Samuel Vidgren and Nik Bai­ley.

“To celebrate the new part­ners­hip, Bailey’s will host a series of launch events across Cali­for­nia, allowing its cus­to­mers to learn more about PONSSE mac­hi­nery, meet with experts and see demon­stra­tions of the equip­ment in action,” Nik con­ti­nues.

“This part­ners­hip with Bailey’s pro­vi­des Ponsse with an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to expand to a new mar­ket area. In Cali­for­nia, har­ves­ting has mainly been based on tra­di­tio­nal met­hods, but there are also signs of the CTL met­hod star­ting to att­ract inte­rest in the region. Bailey’s has establis­hed close ties with the local forest industry, and its cul­ture as a family busi­ness makes it an excel­lent part­ner for Ponsse,” says Samuel Vidgrén, Area Mana­ger, USA, Dea­lers.