New solu­tions 2024: Res­pon­sible solu­tions by lis­te­ning to cus­to­mers

As the needs of har­ves­ting are cons­tantly chan­ging, unin­ter­rup­ted dia­lo­gue with the forest mac­hine dri­vers is par­ticu­larly impor­tant. Solu­tions repre­sen­ting the latest tech­no­logy bring even more ergo­no­mics, secu­rity and pro­duc­ti­vity to daily work. In the cur­rent year, Ponsse has brought new solu­tions to the mar­ket that sup­port the daily work of the forest mac­hine dri­ver and help the forest mac­hine ent­repre­neur moni­tor the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity of the fleet.

Wisent and Elk renewed

The smal­lest loa­der, Elk and Wisent, have been renewed. Both have comple­tely new frame struc­tu­res, and the frame joints have been chan­ged from wel­ded to cast.

“A simpler struc­ture has been obtai­ned that inc­rea­ses dura­bi­lity and ver­sa­ti­lity. For example, in terms of pro­fi­ta­bi­lity, it is impor­tant that thanks to the change in the centre of gra­vity and the design of the cargo space, with Wisent, you can now trans­port two or three met­res a batch,” says Ponsse´s Direc­tor of Pro­duct Mana­ge­ment and PMO, Ville Huk­ka­nen.

PONSSE Wisent forwar­der offers load-car­rying capacity, agi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity on diverse har­ves­ting sites.

Impro­ved ergo­no­mics sup­ports the forest mac­hine operator’s daily work

PONSSE Wisent forwar­der offers load-car­rying capacity, agi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity on diverse har­ves­ting sites. The excel­lent weight distri­bu­tion and geo­metry of the PONSSE Wisent also make it easy to trans­port stems on thin­ning sites with dense and bendy trees.

PONSSE Elk forwar­der also ope­ra­tes reliably in chan­ging con­di­tions and on sites with long dis­tances. The new Elk is an efficient and agile forwar­der with an excel­lent load-car­rying capacity rela­tive to the mac­hine weight. The new forwar­ders fea­ture a big cabin, large
win­dows and thin win­dow pil­lars, ensu­ring excel­lent visi­bi­lity in every direc­tion. The cabin can also be equip­ped with the PONSSE Seat, which effec­ti­vely reduces swaying and impact direc­ted at the ope­ra­tor during the wor­king day.

PONSSE Active Cabin, a cabin sus­pen­sion sys­tem which impro­ves dri­ving com­fort, is the most recent addi­tion to the range of optio­nal equip­ment avai­lable for both PONSSE Elk and Wisent. On une­ven forest trails and in deman­ding ter­rain, ergo­no­mics and pro­duc­ti­vity improve when the sys­tem effec­ti­vely sus­pends any strain direc­ted at the cabin.

Impro­ved ergo­no­mics sup­ports the forest mac­hine operator’s daily work.

New PONSSE H7 har­ves­ter head

The new PONSSE H7 har­ves­ter head fea­tu­res a power­ful feed and an excel­lent power-to-weight ratio that improve pro­duc­ti­vity. Thanks to its impro­ved geo­metry, the new H7 can process large stems with ease. The advanced PONSSE Active Speed func­tion is a new fea­ture of the H7 har­ves­ter head. It allows the speed of the fee­ding to be adjus­ted accor­ding to the tree species and stem dia­me­ter.

PONSSE Active Crane now also avai­lable for C5 and C6 loa­ders

PONSSE Active Crane makes the crane even easier to use. The ope­ra­tor does not need to cont­rol dif­fe­rent joint move­ments: they only need to move the har­ves­ter head in the desi­red direc­tion at the desi­red speed. End dam­ping makes ope­ra­tions even smoot­her.

“Active Crane will now be avai­lable in Cent­ral Europe and is popu­lar in the moun­tains for C5 and C6 loa­ders. The big­gest bene­fit of Active Crane lies preci­sely in these telesco­pic cra­nes because they give the dri­ver more tra­jec­tory to cont­rol than in con­veyor cra­nes.”

Ville Huk­ka­nen says Active Crane is also for coor­di­nate cont­rol because the dri­ver does not cont­rol the dif­fe­rent joints of the crane but moves the crane’s head in the direc­tion they want in the coor­di­nate sys­tem, and auto­ma­tion takes care of the rest.

Active Crane, avai­lable as an option, requi­res the Opti 5G cont­rol sys­tem. Avai­lable from Q1/2025.

PONSSE Arm­rest & eArm­rest

Adjus­table arm­rests are new solu­tions for impro­ved ergo­no­mics. Adjus­ted accor­ding to the forest mac­hine operator’s dimen­sions and dri­ving style, the arm­rests sig­ni­ficantly reduce any stress direc­ted at the nape and shoul­ders while wor­king. As the adjust­ments are sto­red in the armrest’s memory, the ope­ra­tor does not need to adjust the arm­rests again at the begin­ning of each shift.

Huk­ka­nen is par­ticu­larly plea­sed with the renewed arm­rests.

“Before, the hand­les were at the end of the ball joint, and adjus­ting them was a little dif­ficult.
Now, the hand­les slide ver­tically and horizon­tally in the slide gui­des, making it easy to lock them in the right posi­tion. The new elect­ro­nic adjust­ment is an acces­sory that enables the manual armrest’s height, length, rota­tion, tilt, width, and wrist angle to be adjus­ted. In addi­tion, the elect­rically ope­ra­ted arm­rests can be adjus­ted in height and length, and the dri­ver can return the seat and hand­les to their desi­red set­tings at the start of their shift with a single touch of a but­ton.”

PONSSE Arm­rests are avai­lable as stan­dard equip­ment for har­ves­ters and forwar­ders, and PONSSE eArm­rests elect­rically ope­ra­ted arm­rests are avai­lable as optio­nal equip­ment for all har­ves­ters and forwar­ders. PONSSE arm­rests are also avai­lable as ret­ro­fit pac­ka­ges through Ponsse spare parts (Q1/2025).

PONSSE Scale – a wire­less loa­der scale sys­tem

PONSSE Scale is a wire­less loa­der scale sys­tem that weighs the load and sorts, saves and mana­ges load data during all work sta­ges. Accu­rate weight mea­su­re­ments ensure opti­mal loads. Weig­hing is fully auto­ma­tic during both loa­ding and unloa­ding, and detai­led data on each load is regis­te­red. Load data, logs and the mea­su­ring accu­racy are avai­lable in easily rea­dable reports. PONSSE Scale has excel­lent weat­her resis­tance and pro­duces accu­rate results in all con­di­tions, ran­ging from hot sum­mer to freezing cold win­ter days.

PONSSE Scale can be ins­tal­led in all new PONSSE forwar­der models.

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0. A plat­form for next gene­ra­tion digi­tal ser­vices

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 is a plat­form for next-gene­ra­tion digi­tal ser­vices and is a forest mac­hine mana­ge­ment sys­tem. The sys­tem allows cus­to­mers to track the loca­tion, pro­duc­ti­vity and fuel con­sump­tion of their mac­hi­nes. It also moni­tors the growth of stands and the progress of plans. In addi­tion, it can be used to mac­hine trans­ports, moni­tor, moni­tor the pro­duc­tion volu­mes of mac­hi­nes by assort­ment and print mea­su­ring cer­ti­fica­tes.

The digi­tal plat­form allows users to create a cus­tom lan­ding page or dash­board, with imme­diate access to vital data. Impor­tant infor­ma­tion can be read quickly, and chan­ges are easy to spot.

PONSSE Mana­ger 1.0 will be discon­ti­nued for cus­to­mer use on 30/11/24!
You can start using the free PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 by con­tac­ting us through the form avai­lable on our web­site or by reac­hing out to your nea­rest Ponsse sales.

PONSSE High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning

PONSSE High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning is a solu­tion that helps the mac­hine ope­ra­tor know the exact loca­tion of the mac­hine and the har­ves­ter head. This enables the effec­ti­ve­ness of log­ging ope­ra­tions to be main­tai­ned, even in chan­ging con­di­tions. Uti­li­sing industry-lea­ding navi­ga­tion and loca­tion tools, as well as Ponsse’s own advanced tech­no­lo­gies such as Active Crane, High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning can raise the relia­bi­lity bar to a level con­ven­tio­nal posi­tio­ning sys­tems often don’t reach.
By defi­ning the exact loca­tion of the har­ves­ter head and pre­sen­ting it in map view, High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning can sig­ni­ficantly improve har­ves­ting pro­duc­ti­vity.

The solu­tion clearly shows where the ope­ra­tor should har­vest and the areas that should be avoi­ded. Every stump loca­tion is saved in the pro­duc­tion file, and the dri­ving path the har­ves­ter crea­tes is clearly visible to the forwar­der.

The new solu­tions will improve your ope­ra­tions’ pro­duc­ti­vity and safety. They will also ensure that the site is most reliably and res­pon­sibly comple­ted on time and on bud­get.

High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning is avai­lable in Fin­land, Swe­den and Ger­many for all PONSSE har­ves­ters equip­ped with Active Crane, and it can also be ret­ro­fit­ted. Avai­la­bi­lity for other mar­kets will be speci­fied later.