The best ser­vice with our dea­lers

Ponsse is cons­tantly deve­lo­ping its ser­vices across the world with its cus­to­mers and part­ners. Dea­lers’ exper­tise in local mar­kets helps Ponsse res­pond to cus­to­mer needs even bet­ter. We met one of the latest addi­tions to our dea­ler network, as well as our long-term part­ners in South Africa and Austra­lia.

Dyna Tou­raine

Star­ting its part­ners­hip with Ponsse in the spring of 2024, Dyna Tou­raine from France is one of the latest addi­tions to Ponsse’s dea­ler network. At the bustle of the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion, we met Nico­las and Romain Bous­sion, the foun­ders of Dyna Tou­raine.

“Our com­pany is based in Le Mans in Cent­ral France, some 200 kilo­met­res from Paris. My brot­her Romain and I establis­hed the com­pany in 2008, and we are a family- run com­pany like Ponsse,” says Nico­las Bous­sion, who cur­rently works as a direc­tor of the com­pany. Dyna Tou­raine specia­li­ses in forest and earth-moving mac­hi­nes, exca­va­tors, chip­pers and trans­port vehicles for them. Its cus­to­mer base extends from the northwest to Cent­ral France.

Ville Man­sik­ka­mäki, Ponsse’s Area Vice Pre­si­dent, Europe; Timo Savor­nin, Area Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger, Europe & North Ame­rica; Direc­tor Nico­las Bous­sion and Mana­ging Direc­tor Romain Bous­sion from Dyna Tou­raine; and Jean Sion­neau, Ponsse’s Country Mana­ger, France, enjo­ying the exhi­bi­tion.

“Cur­rently, our com­pany employs roughly 30 people, and we are loo­king for new emplo­yees. We believe in growth, even though the mar­ket situa­tion is slightly chal­len­ging,” Nico­las says. “We are really enjo­ying this event – there are many exhi­bi­tors, and Ponsse’s exhi­bi­tion area is very impres­sive”.

The part­ners­hip has got off to a good start, and people from both Ponsse and Dyna Tou­raine are highly moti­va­ted and very exci­ted about their coo­pe­ra­tion. “The com­pany ope­ra­tes in first-rate new faci­li­ties, and Ponsse’s mac­hi­nes are pro­ving their worth – we are in a good place to move forward,” says Ville Man­sik­ka­mäki, Ponsse’s Area Vice Pre­si­dent for Europe.


France has the fourth lar­gest forest area in Europe, with forests cove­ring more than 16 mil­lion hec­ta­res.

Cent­ral France is home to highly diverse forests and more than 30 dif­fe­rent tree species. The land is mainly flat in the cent­ral parts of the country.

Deci­duous trees account for roughly 70 percent of all trees, with oak, beech and pine being the most sig­ni­ficant species.

France has some 3.3 mil­lion pri­vate forest owners who own approxi­ma­tely 12 mil­lion hec­ta­res of forests. A single forest owner usually owns less than a hec­tare of forest land.

There are some 800,000 major forest owners.

MTS Parts

Establis­hed in 2007, MTS Parts from South Africa has been a Ponsse dea­ler since 2016. The com­pany is based in Nelspruit in the north-eas­tern part of the country, some 300 kilo­met­res from Johan­nes­burg. It employs close to 20 people and deli­vers forest mac­hi­nes not only in South Africa but also in its neigh­bou­ring count­ries.

“Ponsse has been the best part­ner for us in forest mac­hine tra­ding, and our coo­pe­ra­tion has always been smooth,” says Chris Oden­daal, the company’s Mana­ging Direc­tor, with Erica Oden­daal, his wife and the com­pany owner.

Chris and Erica Oden­daal with Works­hop Mana­ger Andre Rorke and his wife Jorinda. The Ror­kes were on a prize trip after Andre won the ser­vice mec­ha­nic 2023 com­pe­ti­tion.

“We hope that our part­ners­hip con­ti­nues to improve and grow in the future.” “We just got here, and everything’s loo­king good. Ponsse’s mac­hi­nes are impres­si­vely on display, and we can’t wait to see the work demon­stra­tions. Finland’s forests and ter­rain are so dif­fe­rent – for that rea­son alone, it’ll be inte­res­ting to see the mac­hi­nes at work.”

“This has been a chal­len­ging year for mac­hine sales due to the geo­po­li­tical situa­tion. As Ponsse has launc­hed very inte­res­ting new pro­ducts, we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us,” Chris says.

South Africa

The north-eas­tern parts of South Africa are home to vast forest areas. The country’s total forest resources con­sist of some 40 mil­lion hec­ta­res, of which com­mercial forests only account for some two per cent.

Key tree species include pine, euca­lyp­tus and acacia.

Wood for industrial uses is mainly grown on plan­ta­tions.

The ter­rain is varied, ran­ging from flat land to steep slo­pes. Cont­rac­tors and mac­hi­nes must be able to work in both con­di­tions.

Ran­dalls Equip­ment Co

Based in Mel­bourne, Ran­dalls is the oldest still-ope­ra­ting dea­ler specia­li­sing in forest mac­hi­nes in Austra­lia. The com­pany star­ted ope­ra­ting in 1968 and has been a Ponsse dea­ler since 2014. In addi­tion to its head office in Mel­bourne, Ran­dalls has branc­hes across South Austra­lia and in Tas­ma­nia and New Zea­land.

“Cur­rently, we have some 80 emplo­yees and ope­rate in a very large geo­grap­hical area,” says David Waldron, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ran­dalls.

“Our range con­sists not only of Ponsse’s pro­ducts but also of a large mix of har­ves­ter heads, exca­va­tors, track-based mac­hi­nes and see­ders. We also make cer­tain pro­ducts our­sel­ves.”

David Waldron (centre), Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ran­dalls, was accom­pa­nied at the exhi­bi­tion by Mark Ven­tu­roni, a sig­ni­ficant part­ner for Ran­dalls. Jussi Hen­tu­nen, Ponsse’s Vice Pre­si­dent for Asia, Austra­lia and Africa, is on the right.

“The gene­ral inc­rease in inte­rest rates and the dece­le­ra­ted exports of tim­ber to China can clearly be seen in the mar­kets. Our cus­to­mers are now ope­ra­ting at 80–90 per cent com­pa­red to the situa­tion a year before. Most of our cus­to­mers ope­rate on forest plan­ta­tions, har­ves­ting pine and euca­lyp­tus. Howe­ver, we believe the situa­tion will improve towards the end of this year,” David says.

“The CTL met­hod lan­ded in Austra­lia more than 40 years ago and is slowly gai­ning a foot­hold in har­ves­ting. Those ope­ra­ting in the forest mac­hine mar­ket are slowly star­ting to unders­tand the sig­ni­ficance of smal­ler, yet efficient and ter­rain-spa­ring, forest trac­tors and har­ves­ters,” David says.


Austra­lia has the world’s seventh lar­gest forest area, accoun­ting for roughly three per cent of the total forest area in the world.

Australia’s forest resources con­sist of roughly 134 mil­lion hec­ta­res. Old-growth forests account for 98 per cent of all forests.

Euca­lyp­tus (77 per cent) and acacia (eight per cent) domi­nate Australia’s indi­ge­nous forests.

Radiata pine (1.1 mil­lion hec­ta­res) and deci­duous trees, mainly euca­lyp­tus (0.7 mil­lion hec­ta­res), are pri­ma­rily grown on plan­ta­tions.

Of the forest area, 32 per cent is under pri­vate owners­hip, and 17 per cent compri­ses nature reser­ves.