The popu­lar H7 har­ves­ter head renewed

The new PONSSE H7 har­ves­ter head fea­tu­res a power­ful feed and an excel­lent power-to-weight ratio that improve pro­duc­ti­vity. Thanks to its impro­ved geo­metry, the new H7 can process large stems with ease. The advanced PONSSE Active Speed func­tion is a new fea­ture of the H7 har­ves­ter head. It allows the speed of the fee­ding to be adjus­ted accor­ding to the tree species and stem dia­me­ter.

Ponsse’s tra­di­tio­nal H7 har­ves­ter head is one of the most popu­lar in the pro­duct line. It is used all over the world for both thin­ning and clear cut­ting. Sui­table for both hard and soft woods, it is avai­lable for all PONSSE har­ves­ters except the PONSSE Bea­ver.

“The H7 has been in pro­duc­tion since the begin­ning of the 2000s, and it has never recei­ved such major upda­tes until now. The H7 is placed between the H6 and H8 in the pro­duct line. Before the upda­tes, the H7 was clo­ser to the H6, but now its fea­tu­res are truly halfway between the H6 and the H8,” says Ville Huk­ka­nen, Direc­tor of Pro­duct Mana­ge­ment and PMO at Ponsse.

Accor­ding to Ville Huk­ka­nen, Direc­tor of Pro­duct Mana­ge­ment and PMO at Ponsse, the new H7 har­ves­ter head has been tes­ted in seve­ral dif­fe­rent count­ries, in dif­fe­rent tasks, with dif­fe­rent types of trees and in dif­fe­rent con­di­tions – from freezing cold to ext­reme heat and from dusty con­di­tions to rain.

Easier proces­sing of lar­gers trinks

Alt­hough the new H7 can­not handle trunks with a lar­ger dia­me­ter than the
pre­vious model, in prac­tice it can now process lar­ger trunks much more

“The shoul­der pins of the rol­ler frame have been moved furt­her apart. Thanks to that, the rol­lers can sup­port the log from below and not just squ­eeze from the sides. The log now goes more nicely through the har­ves­ter head. Since there is less pres­sure on the kni­ves and rol­lers, even croo­ked trees can be hand­led bet­ter,” Huk­ka­nen explains.

The order of the kni­ves has also been chan­ged. While before each of the four kni­ves squ­eezed the wood from dif­fe­rent sides, now the top and bot­tom kni­ves squ­eeze the wood from dif­fe­rent sides than the two inner kni­ves. Even large trees remain firmly grip­ped when they are squ­eezed, with lar­ger inter­vals between the kni­ves.

“The mea­su­ring wheel has a lar­ger dia­me­ter, which impro­ves the accu­racy of the mea­su­re­ment. The spi­kes of the mea­su­ring wheel remain in con­tact with the tree for a lon­ger dis­tance, so the traces of the indi­vi­dual spi­kes are smal­ler.”

Val­dis Dai­nis of SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery, which repre­sents Ponsse in Lat­via, Gun­dars Juražs of SIA Gran­tini 1 and Gints Frei­den­felds of SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery fami­lia­ri­sed them­sel­ves with the new Ponsse Giant har­ves­ter at the Finn­METKO 2024 trade fair. Gran­tini 1 has orde­red a simi­lar mac­hine with a new H7 har­ves­ting head, which will be deli­ve­red at the end of the year.

Active Speed impro­ves ver­sa­ti­lity of the har­ves­ter head in proces­sing

The upda­tes to the H7 do not only make it easier to process large trees. For example, the Active Speed func­tion feeds the thick base of the tree through the har­ves­ter head more slowly and with grea­ter force. The thin­ner top, on the other hand, goes through the har­ves­ter head fas­ter and with less force. The feed speed chan­ges during sawing, and the ope­ra­tor can adjust it to their liking. This opti­mi­ses the proces­sing of the entire trunk and also reduces fuel con­sump­tion

“Active Speed faci­li­ta­tes both clear cut­ting and thin­ning, making it pos­sible to process even small thin­ning trees quickly with a rela­ti­vely large har­ves­ter head. Active Speed has been a popu­lar fea­ture on the H8, and now it is avai­lable on the H7 as well.”

Snow and log­ging resi­dues out of the har­ves­ter hear

The gene­ral design of the har­ves­ter head has been revi­sed so that snow or log­ging resi­dues can no lon­ger get pac­ked between the hydrau­lic cylin­ders and the body of the har­ves­ter head. Gene­ral ser­vicea­bi­lity and dura­bi­lity have also been opti­mi­sed.

“The hydrau­lics for the front kni­ves is now bet­ter pro­tec­ted. The hydrau­lic cylin­ders for the kni­ves are all on their own pins, so they are easy to change if neces­sary. Likewise, all the hydrau­lic cylin­ders are now easier to access.”

The con­nec­tion hoses on the H7 no lon­ger have a feed-through block, but the hoses con­ti­nue directly from the har­ves­ter head to the boom. This way, the hoses no lon­ger have to bend tightly when the tree is fel­led, and the har­ves­ter head is til­ted. This saves hoses from wear.

“The new hydrau­lics also save energy and pro­duce less waste heat. The dif­fe­rence is small, but nevert­he­less sig­ni­ficant enough that it is reflec­ted in fuel con­sump­tion.”

Giedrius Cicé­nas, Depart­ment Mana­ger of Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery (on the left in the pic­ture) and Reni­gi­jus Lukas, Remi­gi­jus Zda­na­vicius, Min­dau­gas Lukas and Algis Zulpa from Lit­hua­nia, UAB Geri­lita (pic­tu­red above) visi­ted Ponsse´s fair stand at the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion. In the new H7 har­ves­ter head, they were inte­res­ted in, for example, efficient Active Speed cont­rol and impro­ved geo­metry for large and win­ding trees.

Meticu­lously engi­nee­red and tes­ted

The upda­ted H7 har­ves­ter head is the result of years of engi­nee­ring and tes­ting. The star­ting point has been cus­to­mer feed­back from dif­fe­rent parts of the world.

“Our har­ves­ter heads are desig­ned as a pro­duct family, so many fea­tu­res pre­viously made for lar­ger or smal­ler har­ves­ter heads have now been uti­li­sed in the H7, such as the Active Speed fea­ture. The pro­duct family approach also allows us to use the same pro­duc­tion met­hods as much as pos­sible and even the same com­po­nents in dif­fe­rent har­ves­ter heads, which faci­li­ta­tes spare parts main­te­nance, for example.”

Pro­duc­tion met­hods have also been refi­ned. For example, the share of robot wel­ding has been inc­rea­sed. The upda­ted pro­duc­tion met­hods save time, mate­rials and the envi­ron­ment, and they usually also improve the qua­lity of the final pro­duct.

Cus­to­mers eagerly antici­pate the new H7

The new H7 will replace the old H7 in pro­duc­tion in the near future. Cus­to­mers have been eagerly antici­pa­ting the new har­ves­ter head.

“The new H7 is inte­res­ting, especially the Active Speed func­tion and the new body design,” says Min­dau­gas Lukas, who was with Remi­gi­jus Zda­na­vicius, Reni­gi­jus Lukas, and Algis Zulpa from the Lit­hua­nian com­pany UAB Geri­lita at the Finn­METKO trade fair, where the new H7 was pre­sen­ted for the first time at the turn of August and Sep­tem­ber.