The sub­si­diary and dea­ler of the year 2023

Every year, Ponsse rewards its most meri­ted sub­si­diary and dea­ler. In 2023, Ponsse Czech was selec­ted as the Sub­si­diary of the Year, while the Dea­ler of the Year award was given to Wah­lers Forst­tech­nik from Ger­many.

Win­ner team of Ponsse Czech.

The eva­lua­tion cri­te­ria have remai­ned unc­han­ged from one year to the next, inclu­ding the growth and deve­lop­ment of busi­ness ope­ra­tions and financial key figu­res from the pre­vious year. The deve­lop­ment of cus­to­mer and emplo­yee expe­riences (NPS and eNPS) is also con­si­de­red. Ponsse has had a local sub­si­diary in the Czech Republic since 2022.

The Dea­ler of the Year was selec­ted from the network of 30 Ponsse dea­lers. The selec­tion cri­te­ria include accomplish­ments in sales, after-sales ser­vices and cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion, as well as sco­res given for trai­ning, mar­ke­ting, war­ranty proces­ses and spare parts. Establis­hed in 1935, the family-run com­pany Wah­lers Forst­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG has been a Ponsse dea­ler in Ger­many since 1993 and has ope­ra­ted in Austria since 2019 through its own sub­si­diary.

Dea­ler of the Year — Wah­lers Forst­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG. From left Gerit Koch and Marius Dreeke.