10 rea­sons to adopt PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 is desig­ned to be user-friendly, and it pro­vi­des a per­so­na­lized front page, based on your own pre­fe­rences, as well as more detai­led reports. The sys­tem is easier to use and allows you to get exactly the right infor­ma­tion for your needs. You get compre­hen­sive tools for accu­ra­tely trac­king mac­hine pro­duc­ti­vity, and you can moni­tor out­put in near real-time from various views.

1. Bet­ter fleet mana­ge­ment

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 pro­vi­des near-real-time infor­ma­tion on the con­di­tion and per­for­mance of the mac­hi­nes. This helps opti­mize mac­hine usage, reducing down­time and inc­rea­sing pro­duc­ti­vity.

2. Efficient data col­lec­tion

Mana­ger 2.0 con­ti­nuo­usly col­lects data from all forest mac­hi­nes, and the reports can be viewed over a long period of time. The sys­tem col­lects data such as fuel con­sump­tion, mac­hine pro­duc­tion, and work per­for­mance, hel­ping to make deci­sions about equip­ment main­te­nance and ope­ra­tio­nal impro­ve­ments. Based on the col­lec­ted data, reports can be crea­ted for the selec­ted time period, and the acti­vi­ties of the mac­hi­nes or dri­vers can be com­pa­red with each other on a monthly basis.

3. Easy to use

Mana­ger 2.0 is desig­ned to be user-friendly, so it can be used wit­hout exten­sive tech­nical exper­tise. Its modern inter­face makes ope­ra­tions smoot­her. You can design a per­so­na­lized front page based on your own pre­fe­rences and imme­dia­tely get a clear over­view of your busi­ness.

Learn more about PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 from the video.

4. Log in from anyw­here

Jär­jes­tel­mään voi­daan kir­jau­tua mistä tahansa, mikä mah­dol­lis­taa kalus­ton etä­seu­ran­nan ja ‑hal­lin­nan. Tämä tar­joaa jous­ta­vuutta työn­joh­ta­jille ja koneen­käyt­tä­jille, jotka saat­ta­vat työs­ken­nellä eri sijain­neissa.

5. Tools for trac­king pro­duc­ti­vity

The sys­tem offers compre­hen­sive tools for accu­ra­tely trac­king mac­hine pro­duc­ti­vity. You can moni­tor out­put in near real-time from various views:

6. Mea­su­re­ment report

The sys­tem enables the viewing and down­loa­ding of mea­su­re­ment reports in PDF for­mat directly from the sys­tem. This simpli­fies repor­ting and saves time, as there is no need for a sepa­rate log­ging site visit.

7. Inte­gra­tion with other sys­tems

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 offers data inte­gra­tion with third-party applica­tions and the option to extend its func­tio­na­lity through a paid API ser­vice.

8. Handy mobile app – Ponsse Apps

The mobile app is easy to use on work­si­tes, and users can down­load it from their app store free of charge. Ponsse Apps inclu­des all the func­tions har­ves­ting pro­fes­sio­nals need. When the deve­lop­ment work is based on cus­to­mer feed­back and the work is con­ti­nuous, you can be sure that the sys­tem is always up to date and is cons­tantly being deve­lo­ped in the right direc­tion.

9. Free tool

Start using the free Mana­ger 2.0 sys­tem now by con­tac­ting us through the form avai­lable on our web­site.

10. Con­ti­nuo­usly deve­lo­ping sys­tem

Mana­ger 2.0 is a con­ti­nuo­usly evol­ving plat­form, with new fea­tu­res and impro­ve­ments added. With PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0, you’ll always have the latest tools to opti­mize your fleet mana­ge­ment and boost pro­duc­ti­vity.

The plat­form is con­ti­nuo­usly deve­lo­ped based on cus­to­mer feed­back. When deve­lop­ment work is based on cus­to­mer feed­back and the work is con­ti­nuous, you can be sure that the sys­tem is always up to date and is cons­tantly being deve­lo­ped in the right direc­tion.