21,000th PONSSE Forest Mac­hine for Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. in the USA 

Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. recei­ved an invi­ta­tion to come and receive the 21,000th Ponsse forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­red in Vie­remä, Fin­land. The mac­hine to be han­ded over is the PONSSE Buf­falo 8W. Paul Esta­brooks and his team from Ponsse North Ame­rica are also celebra­ting the hand over in Vie­remä.  

Jhace Pear­son, the 3rd gene­ra­tion lum­ber­jack and the grand­son of com­pany foun­der James Scheff, and his best friend Matt­hew Vosika are repre­sen­ting Scheff Log­ging in Vie­remä. 

Wor­king in the forest sec­tor is Jhace’s child­hood dream. When asked in kin­der­gar­ten what he would become when he grew up, the answer came quick: “I’m going to be a lum­ber­jack”. Imme­dia­tely after gra­dua­ting from high school, Jhace and Matt­hew went to the woods to ful­fill their dream. 

Jhace Pear­son and Matt­hew Vosika.

Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. is loca­ted in Marcell, Min­ne­sota, USA. Com­pany owner James Scheff foun­ded the com­pany in 1977 when he was only 14 years old. He had a 1965 Tim­ber­jack 215 Cable Skid­der at his dis­po­sal. James’ brot­hers David A. and Jeff fol­lowed in James’ foots­teps and toget­her they crea­ted the Scheff family busi­ness over the next two years. The boys’ late mot­her, Susy, played a sig­ni­ficant role in the com­pa­ny’s accoun­ting and financial mana­ge­ment.  

Already in its third gene­ra­tion, the com­pany has grown con­si­de­rably from the begin­ning and now employs more than forty people in log­ging and truc­king. In fore­stry work, the com­pany has six full-time woods crews, twenty-three trac­tor trai­lers and seve­ral road buil­ding equip­ment.  

The PONSSE Buf­falo forwar­der is Scheff Log­ging’s fifth Ponsse forest mac­hine. Pre­viously, the com­pany has acqui­red two PONSSE Scor­pion King har­ves­ters and two PONSSE Buf­falo forwar­ders.  

”I met with Scheff Log­ging back in 2008 and we star­ted slowly but surely buil­ding mutual trust. In 2014, I con­vinced them to test drive the then new PONSSE Ergo, and finally in 2021, we made a deal on the first Scor­pion,” recalls Paul Esta­brooks. 

Paul Esta­brooks (PNA), Jhace Pear­son, Nat­han Thomp­son (PNA), Matt­hew Vosika and Kevin Schu­mann (PNA).

Scheff Log­ging greatly apprecia­tes Paul and his team’s com­mit­ment to excel­lent ser­vice, which is a vital part of a func­tio­ning cus­to­mer rela­tions­hip. The com­pany is also loo­king forward to the int­ro­duc­tion of a new forwar­der