Anni­ver­sary log­ging tour con­ti­nued in cheer­ful spi­rits in Var­kaus

Pons­se’s anni­ver­sary log­ging tour arri­ved in Var­kaus on Fri­day. The early spring sun che­ris­hed the crowd that had arri­ved in the site. The day began in a fes­tive spi­rit when we han­ded over the new PONSSE Elep­hant forwar­der to Antero Lai­ti­nen, owner of Met­sä­tiimi Lai­ti­nen Ky.

Met­sä­tiimi Lai­ti­nen Ky is loca­ted in Oravi, Savon­linna and ope­ra­tes in the area of Hei­nä­vesi, Lep­pä­virta and Var­kaus.

What makes today’s event par­ticu­larly great is that, just 5 kilo­met­res from the today’s log­ging site, Antero made the first mac­hine purc­ha­ses in 2005 with Jarmo Vidgren, who is now the Chair of the Board of Ponsse. At that time, the com­pany acqui­red its first Ponsse, which was a Wisent forwar­der. Thank you for your long-term cus­to­mers­hip and safe wor­king hours!

A warm thank you to eve­ry­one who par­tici­pa­ted in the Var­kaus event!
The anni­ver­sary tour will arrive on March 25, 2025 in Pons­se’s home­town of Vie­remä and on Fri­day March 28, 2025 celebra­tions will con­ti­nue in Mänttä-Vilp­pula.
Welcome to celebrate with us the 55 years of log­ging toget­her!

Area Sales Mana­ger Asko Heik­ki­nen han­ded over the keys of the new PONSSE Elep­hant to Antero Lai­ti­nen.
Jarmo Vidgren. also took part in the celebra­tion.

Thank you to the event part­ners
Stora Enso and Koh­man­salo Met­sä­kul­je­tus!