Coo­pe­ra­tion with schools opens doors for young people

Ponsse is enga­ged in coo­pe­ra­tion with various educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tes and stu­dent associa­tions in the form of trai­ning periods and inter­na­tio­nal visits.

Made­lyn Water­man, a mar­ke­ting stu­dent at Fin­lan­dia Uni­ver­sity, is one of the stu­dents who comple­ted their trai­ning period at Ponsse this year. She car­ried out part of her trai­ning period at Ponsse North Ame­rica in Rhi­ne­lan­der and part in Fin­land. The Einari Vidgrén Foun­da­tion made the trai­ning period pos­sible. Accor­ding to Made­lyn, her trai­ning period in Fin­land was like no other.

“I wan­ted to enjoy this once-in-a-life­time oppor­tu­nity and absorb as much infor­ma­tion as pos­sible,” she says.

Madelyn’s trai­ning inclu­ded par­tici­pa­tion in the Swe­dish Fore­stry Expo event in Swe­den and various mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties invol­ving social media ser­vices and Ponsse Col­lec­tion pro­ducts.

In the pic­ture are stu­dent Made­lyn Water­man, and Juha Vidgrén, Chair of the Einari Vidgrén Foun­da­tion.