Cus­to­mers on the US West Coast ser­ved even bet­ter than before

Ponsse’s ser­vices on the West Coast of the Uni­ted Sta­tes will be stron­ger than before after Ponsse and PacWest Mac­hi­nery sig­ned a dea­ler agree­ment from the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber. Coo­pe­ra­tion has star­ted well, and ser­vices have been strengt­he­ned in the region.

As a result of the dea­ler agree­ment, PacWest is now the exclusive dea­ler for the sale and ser­vices of PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes and har­ves­ter heads in the sta­tes of Ore­gon, Was­hing­ton and Idaho on the West Coast of the Uni­ted Sta­tes. Through the part­ners­hip, Ponsse’s ser­vice centre in Coburg, Ore­gon, and its ope­ra­tions, pro­perty, mac­hine and spare parts stocks, as well as trai­ning range, have been trans­fer­red to PacWest.

“We are exci­ted to become a part­ner with Ponsse across the grea­ter Paci­fic Northwest,” says Andy Wold, CEO of PacWest Mac­hi­nery. “Ponsse has the industry-lea­ding CTL plat­form, a com­mit­ment to excel­lent cus­to­mer sup­port, and a ”One Ponsse” way of approac­hing the mar­ket that we have admi­red for some time. We are loo­king forward to part­ne­ring with Ponsse and the forest industry.”

We are exci­ted to become a part­ner with Ponsse across the grea­ter Paci­fic Northwest.

– Andy Wold, CEO of PacWest Mac­hi­nery

“PacWest helps us grow and expand on the West Coast. They have a strong will to deve­lop furt­her and are very com­mit­ted to the forest industry – just like us. An establis­hed and well-func­tio­ning network in the West will bring Ponsse’s ser­vices even clo­ser to our cus­to­mers in the region,” says Pekka Ruus­ka­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc.

PacWest Mac­hi­nery is a US com­pany, part of the family-owned Jos­hua Green Cor­po­ra­tion, specia­li­sing mainly in sale and after­mar­ket sup­port of gene­ral pro­duc­tion equip­ment, road mac­hi­nery and aggre­gate proces­sing sys­tems. The com­pany has sales and ser­vice cent­res in Spo­kane, Seattle, Port­land, Mount Ver­non, Pasco and Eugene. In recent years, PacWest has expan­ded sig­ni­ficantly on the US West Coast, and it is also an official Volvo and Metso dea­ler in Ore­gon, Was­hing­ton and North Idaho.


In the West, Ponsse now pro­vi­des ser­vices for its cus­to­mers in six loca­tions in place of the pre­vious one. For cus­to­mers, this means shor­ter dis­tances to main­te­nance loca­tions.

“While we want to expand and grow our ope­ra­tions in the US, the country is mas­sive, and we can­not invest eve­ryw­here. As a result of this coo­pe­ra­tion, our ser­vice network expan­ded sig­ni­ficantly on the West Coast. This was par­ticu­larly good news for our cus­to­mers in Was­hing­ton and Idaho, as they were pre­viously a long way from the Coburg ser­vice centre. With PacWest, we now have four new loca­tions in Was­hing­ton and more field ser­vice tech­nicians, mea­ning shor­ter dis­tances and even quic­ker ser­vices,” says Samuel Vidgrén, Area Mana­ger for the Ponsse dea­ler network in the US.

Ponsse pro­vi­des its cus­to­mers in the US with ser­vices through a growing dea­ler network. Cur­rently, three Ponsse dea­lers ope­rate in the region: PacWest, Chadwick-BaRoss Inc., and Kleis Equip­ment LLC. Ponsse’s sub­si­diary Ponsse North Ame­rica Inc. pro­vi­des ser­vices in the Great Lakes region and sout­hern parts of the country. PacWest covers the Northwest and Chadwick BaRoss the Nort­heast, while Kleis Equip­ment pro­vi­des ser­vices for cus­to­mers in the New York region. In total, Ponsse has 28 main­te­nance out­lets in the Uni­ted Sta­tes.

We now have four new loca­tions in Was­hing­ton and more field ser­vice tech­nicians, mea­ning shor­ter dis­tances and even quic­ker ser­vices.

– Samuel Vidgren, Area Mana­ger for the Ponsse dea­ler network in the US
The part­ners­hip with PacWest offe­red us a unique oppor­tu­nity to grow.

– Pekka Ruus­ka­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor, Ponsse North Ame­rica Inc. 

“The deve­lop­ment of our network never stops. For example, we’re plan­ning to expand our ser­vice faci­lity in Grand Rapids, Min­ne­sota, and the spare parts ware­house and ship­ping area in the Rhi­ne­lan­der, Wiscon­sin loca­tion. These impro­ve­ments will bene­fit Ponsse’s out­lets and dea­lers, as well as official main­te­nance part­ners in the north. We’re also inves­ting in trai­ning. With PacWest, we will have more people to pro­vide trai­ning and bet­ter faci­li­ties and trai­ning equip­ment,” says Samuel Vidgrén.

“The part­ners­hip with PacWest offe­red us a unique oppor­tu­nity to grow. Ponsse wants to pro­vide its cus­to­mers with the best cus­to­mer expe­rience, and this part­ners­hip helps us keep this pro­mise even bet­ter than before,” Ruus­ka­nen says.

While being a part of Ponsse North Ame­rica was a great expe­rience, I am also exci­ted to see how we can now acce­le­rate our cus­to­mer ser­vices throug­hout the lar­ger ter­ri­tory.

– Steve Baker, PacWest Mac­hi­nery Ser­vice Super­vi­sor 


For PacWest, which is part of a family owned com­pany, the well­being of emplo­yees is a prio­rity, just as it is for Ponsse. Even though the Coburg, Ore­gon ope­ra­tion has a new owner, the focus on ensu­ring a good work envi­ron­ment has not chan­ged.

“The for­mer Ponsse emplo­yees in the Ore­gon ter­ri­tory have been welco­med into the PacWest team,” Wold says.

“We have spent the early weeks get­ting to know each other, and already pro­vi­ding the trai­ning nee­ded to main­tain and expand ser­vices in the Paci­fic Northwest.”

Steve Baker, Ser­vice Super­vi­sor, was one of the Ponsse emplo­yees wor­king at the Coburg ser­vice centre who trans­fer­red to PacWest.

“While being a part of Ponsse North Ame­rica was a great expe­rience, I am also exci­ted to see how we can now acce­le­rate our cus­to­mer ser­vices throug­hout the lar­ger ter­ri­tory,” com­men­ted Baker.


The US mar­kets have a lot of poten­tial for cut-to-length har­ves­ting tech­no­logy. The country’s cor­po­rate-friendly atmosp­here offers a luc­ra­tive envi­ron­ment in the forest mac­hine mar­kets, and Ponsse’s mac­hine fleet is growing stea­dily in the area.

The sout­hern parts of the country, in which the envi­ron­men­tally friendly CTL met­hod is not yet as popu­lar as the tree-length met­hod, offer att­rac­tive poten­tial for growth. At the end of last year, Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc. ope­ned a new ser­vice centre near Tal­la­has­see, Flo­rida. The expan­sion was Ponsse’s res­ponse to growing demand for sawn goods and the inc­rease in mac­hine sales in the region.

Ove­rall demand for sawn goods in the US has dec­rea­sed slightly as a result of glo­bal infla­tion and rising inte­rest rates. In addi­tion, the pulp and paper mar­kets have slowed. Howe­ver, there is a light at the end of the tun­nel in the housing mar­kets. The future of apart­ment buil­ders is loo­king par­ticu­larly bright. It seems that there is demand especially for affor­dable new houses. This trend was shown ear­lier in 2023, when the num­ber of new houses inc­rea­sed.

One Ponsse spi­rit! Ponsse and PacWest at the US Paci­fic Log­ging Congress in Sep­tem­ber 2023.




This spring, Ponsse North Ame­rica Inc. sig­ned a dea­ler agree­ment on spare parts and main­te­nance ser­vices with Kyle Repair LLC. There was a demand for a new spare parts and main­te­nance out­let, especially in Northwest Wiscon­sin. Kyle Repair ope­ra­tes in Park Falls, Wiscon­sin, and is an excel­lent addi­tion to Ponsse’s main­te­nance network in the nort­hern parts of the US.

Kyle Repair employs eight full-time pro­fes­sio­nals, two of whom work in spare parts, and four in main­te­nance ope­ra­tions. It also has one trai­nee wor­king in daily acti­vi­ties. Cus­to­mer ser­vices are pro­vi­ded by two crane-equip­ped main­te­nance vehicles.

Mark Kyle, the owner of Kyle Repair, star­ted his career wor­king as a mec­ha­nic. Later, he also wor­ked as a ser­vice mana­ger, and he had dea­lers in Whi­te­hall and Durand, Wiscon­sin. Howe­ver, for the last seven years, Mark has wor­ked in the Park Falls region. Mark belie­ves that high-qua­lity cus­to­mer and after­sa­les ser­vices pay divi­dends. After all, his motto is: “Qua­lity ser­vice sells!”