Data mana­ge­ment dri­ves forest mac­hine busi­ness deve­lop­ment

Vast amounts of data are proces­sed every day in our rapidly chan­ging world.
For Ponsse, digi­tal solu­tions and their deve­lop­ment are an impor­tant step
towards sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting.

Ponsse prio­ri­ti­ses deve­lo­ping these ser­vices in ways that allow cont­rac­tors to easily and cost-effec­ti­vely ext­ract data from their forest mac­hi­nes for repor­ting and ERP sys­tems to deve­lop their own busi­ness. Easily usable data also ensu­res sys­te­ma­tic and stream­li­ned ope­ra­tions and makes daily tasks easier for har­ves­ting per­son­nel. Preci­sely mea­su­red data helps busi­nes­ses to bring trans­pa­rency to their ope­ra­tions. Ponsse’s devel-
opment of digi­tal ser­vices is strongly gui­ded by cus­to­mer feed­back and sus­tai­na­bi­lity goals.

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 is both a plat­form for next-gene­ra­tion digi­tal ser­vices and a forest mac­hine mana­ge­ment sys­tem. The sys­tem allows cus­to­mers to track the loca­tion, pro­duc­ti­vity, and fuel con­sump­tion of their mac­hi­nes. The sys­tem can be used to track mac­hine pro­duc­ti­vity by assort­ment and deli­very, and it can print mea­su­ring and loa­ding reports. The PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 plat­form sup­ports both field per­son­nel and the pro­fes­sio­nals in charge of flexible and effec­tive fleet mana­ge­ment.

The digi­tal plat­form allows users to create a cus­tom lan­ding page or dash­board, with imme­diate access to vital data. Impor­tant infor­ma­tion can be read quickly and chan­ges are easy to spot. This helps the users take cor­rec­tive actions imme­dia­tely. Once log­ged in, users have access to all the digi­tal solu­tions for impro­ving their ope­ra­tio­nal efficiency and pro­duc­ti­vity – all in a single online loca­tion.

Users of the PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 plat­form gain real-time data on the fac­tors affec­ting the pro­duc­ti­vity of their mac­hi­nes, allowing the users to opti­mise their ope­ra­tions.


PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 fea­tu­res a compre­hen­sive repor­ting func­tion that allows users to ana­lyse pro­duc­tion volu­mes, wor­king hours and fuel con­sump­tion by log­ging met­hod, forest com­pany, mac­hine and ope­ra­tor, over a given period of time. The log­ging met­hod, ave­rage tree dia­me­ter and forwar­der dri­ving dis­tances for a site can be com­pa­red with pro­duc­ti­vity and fuel con­sump­tion figu­res.

One of the new key func­tions enables uploa­ding all reports into a spreads­heet, for example, where the data can be com­bi­ned with other data to pro­duce use­ful ope­ra­tio­nal ana­ly­ses. Free mobile applica­tions are also avai­lable for down­load from app sto­res.

The PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 plat­form pro­vi­des cus­to­mers with a main­te­nance his­tory for mac­hi­nes main­tai­ned by Ponsse’s main­te­nance ser­vices. Up-to-date records help mac­hine owners keep track of the comple­tion and con­tent of each machine’s sche­du­led main­te­nance.

Mul­tifleet by Ponsse

Mul­tifleet by Ponsse is a digi­tal solu­tion desig­ned to help com­pa­nies in full fleet mana­ge­ment. It is irre­le­vant whet­her the fleet con­sists of forest or agricul­tu­ral mac­hi­nes or road vehicles, what their make is, or whet­her the fleet is large or small. An antenna and elect­ro­nics module ins­tal­led onto a vehicle send valuable real-time data on mac­hi­nes and their ope­ra­tions to the cloud over a mobile network or satel­lite con­nec­tion. Ponsse’s Mul­tifleet solu­tion then con­verts this data into reports that sup­port cus­to­mers’ busi­ness. Users only need a network con­nec­tion to use the data anyw­here and at any time, spee­ding up deci­sions and maxi­mi­sing their company’s pro­duc­ti­vity. Users can access com­pany-speci­fic data on their mobile phone, tablet or com­pu­ter via a link or an app using their cre­den­tials. Cur­rently Mul­tifleet is avai­lable in Latin Ame­rica.

PONSSE Ser­vice Applica­tion

PONSSE Ser­vice Applica­tion is a mobile app that allows cus­to­mers to browse Ponsse’s main­te­nance ser­vice pro­ducts such as forest mac­hine acces­so­ries. The app is avai­lable for Android and IOS, from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store res­pec­ti­vely. The app also works in offline mode.

PONSSE Parts Online

Ponsse’s highly popu­lar online shop for spare parts allows cus­to­mers to order parts for their PONSSE mac­hine at any time. The sys­tem also displays real-time avai­la­bi­lity and pricing infor­ma­tion for parts. In addi­tion, the ser­vice inclu­des use­ful infor­ma­tion such as spare parts cata­lo­gues and owner’s manuals, and users can add notes for each mac­hine.

Cur­rently, PONSSE Parts Online is avai­lable in Fin­land, Swe­den, Norway, Den­mark, the UK, Ire­land, France, Ger­many and the Uni­ted Sta­tes.

PONSSE Mana­ger Satel­lite and Satel­lite Report

The PONSSE Mana­ger Satel­lite ser­vice is an upgrade to mac­hine con­nec­ti­vity. The ser­vice sends data on work area pro­duc­ti­vity, mac­hine loca­tion, ope­ra­ting hours and fuel con­sump­tion to a ser­ver, ensu­ring effec­tive repor­ting. Data is trans­fer­red using the machine’s Opti infor­ma­tion sys­tem, a satel­lite con­nec­tion and the Con­nec­ti­vity Unit tele­metry module. With the Satel­lite ser­vice, the mac­hine can com­mu­nicate via a satel­lite con­nec­tion in areas wit­hout any mobile cove­rage. The Con­nec­ti­vity Unit, deve­lo­ped by Ponsse’s tech­no­logy com­pany Epec Oy, and the PONSSE Opti infor­ma­tion sys­tem ope­rate fully auto­ma­tically wit­hout any sepa­rate mea­su­res.

The PONSSE Mana­ger Satel­lite repor­ting tool lists the pro­duced assort­ment volu­mes by mac­hine, ope­ra­tor and work area. Cus­to­mers can use the repor­ting tool to view mac­hine ope­ra­ting hours and cumu­la­tive fuel con­sump­tion from anyw­here on the globe. This data is col­lec­ted and trans­mit­ted once a day as part of the compre­hen­sive report pro­duced by the PONSSE Mana­ger ser­vice. Using the PONSSE Mana­ger Satel­lite repor­ting tool, mac­hine data can be trans­fer­red in areas wit­hout any mobile cove­rage.


With the PONSSE Data API ser­vice, forest mac­hine data can be ret­rie­ved directly from the cloud. The ser­vice can be used in the invoicing of har­ves­ting ope­ra­tions or the pay­ment of wages, for example, based on har­ves­ting pro­duc­tion data. The ser­vice also pro­duces bene­fits in logis­tics, as ope­ra­tions can be plan­ned in real time during har­ves­ting. The data can also be used as a source for various applica­tions, even allowing cus­to­mers to build their own applica­tions based on the data.

The ser­vice makes the use of forest mac­hine data sig­ni­ficantly easier and more affor­dable, and it brings know­ledge-based mana­ge­ment avai­lable to more cont­rac­tors than before. The PONSSE Data API ser­vice is avai­lable as part of the PONSSE Mana­ger sys­tem.

PONSSE Active Manual
The PONSSE Active Manual ser­vice hosts ope­ra­ting and main­te­nance instruc­tions, inclu­ding videos, to sup­port the daily work of forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors. The highly visual ser­vice inclu­des a mobile app that supple­ments the con­ven­tio­nal owner’s manual with videos of ope­ra­ting and main­te­nance instruc­tions. The PONSSE Active Manual app is avai­lable on the Apple and Google app sto­res.

More infor­ma­tion: or