Five facts about used mac­hi­nes

Have you always wan­ted to know more about our used mac­hi­nes?
Here are 5 facts for you!

1. It’s easy to buy a used mac­hine from Pons­se’s glo­bal network. Our glo­bal sales team knows the forest mac­hi­nes and they will find the best pos­sible solu­tion for you.

    2. Ponsse’s trade-in mac­hine range con­sists of har­ves­ters, har­ves­ter heads, forwar­ders, and other tools and equip­ment from dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­rers.

    3. At Ponsse we want long-term rela­tions­hips, and our team’s sup­port is there even after the used mac­hine deal is clo­sed.

    4. Ponsse can offer a war­ranty on used mac­hi­nes. We know what we are sel­ling and can eva­luate the risks with you and sup­port you in making the best deci­sion.

    5. Pons­se’s circu­lar eco­nomy com­pe­tence is par­ticu­larly strong in the spare parts and used mac­hi­nes busi­ness. We sell and refur­bish used mac­hi­nes in all our mar­kets. Trade-in mac­hi­nes refur­bis­hed by skil­led tech­nicians can be upgra­ded with a range of per­for­mance pac­ka­ges to meet the requi­re­ments of fore­stry today.

    Learn more about Pons­se’s used mac­hi­nes on our web­site: