Forest mac­hine dri­ver in the rug­ged landsca­pes of Canada

In 2019, Arvo Tai­pale from Kan­ga­sala, Fin­land deci­ded to leave his home­land and he hea­ded to Canada to work as a forest mac­hine dri­ver. In July, he will mark four years of wor­king in the rug­ged landsca­pes of Canada.

rvo’s first job was at JD Irving on the east coast in New Brunswick. A couple of years later, after recei­ving per­ma­nent resi­dency in Canada, Arvo ended up wor­king in Onta­rio for a while. In the end, howe­ver, he drove 5,500 kilo­met­res across the country and star­ted wor­king in Bri­tish Colum­bia with Freya Log­ging.

“I have wor­ked at Freya Log­ging for about 1.5 years. The work sites are usually in the Prince George area, but now in the spring time, I’m wor­king about 400 kilo­me­ters away from home in the Jas­per area, in the west of the pro­vince of Alberta,” Arvo notes.

The cur­rent emplo­yer’s PONSSE fleet inclu­des four Elep­hant King forwar­ders and Bear and Scor­pion har­ves­ters. The com­pany also has mac­hi­nes from other manu­fac­tu­rers. For 24,000 hours, Freya Log­ging have also ope­ra­ted Buf­falo King, which was the company’s first purc­ha­sed mac­hine.

Even in his free time, Arvo likes to tin­ker with mac­hi­nes.

“ In the sum­mer, I ride an enduro bike and in the win­ter, I go snow­mo­bi­ling. In Canada, there are many rou­tes defi­ned by the govern­ment, so it’s easy to move around in nature with dif­fe­rent means both in sum­mer and win­ter,” sha­res Arvo.

Many of Freya Logging´s forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors, like Arvo, have Euro­pean ance­stry. Bri­tish Colum­bia has a shor­tage of skil­led har­ves­ter and forwar­der ope­ra­tors who are pro­ficient in the cut-to-length met­hod of fore­stry. Val­halla Equip­ment Inc. is Ponsse´s aut­ho­ri­sed dea­ler for Bri­tish Colum­bia, Canada.


In addi­tion to renewal fel­ling, Freya Log­ging also does thin­ning. The com­pa­ny’s owners are fami­liar with the cut-to-length met­hod due to their backgrounds in Europe, and the com­pany has pro­mo­ted the use of the com­mo­dity met­hod in Bri­tish Colum­bia, Canada.


  • Loca­tion: Prince George, Bri­tish Colum­bia, Canada
  • Foun­ded in 2016
  • The com­pany is owned by Sofia Par­fit and her hus­band Liam, Mirko and Susanne Jan­sen and Sebas­tian Mayer
  • Repairs approxi­ma­tely 350,000 cubic met­res
  • Wood species: cedar, hem­lock, pine, spruce, noble fir, aspen and birch
  • The com­pany employs approxi­ma­tely 25 people and subcont­racts anot­her 30–35 truck dri­vers and mec­ha­nics
  • During the spring plan­ting sea­son, the com­pany employs up to 20 tree plan­ters