Fun­drai­ser to celebrate Ponsse North Ame­rica 30th Anni­ver­sary

For over five deca­des, Ponsse has dedica­ted them­sel­ves to buil­ding the best fore­stry equip­ment in the world. What began in Fin­land even­tually grew to the North Ame­rican mar­ket — and now we’re celebra­ting 30 years of busi­ness right here in the USA!

But this is more than just an anni­ver­sary party; we need your help to make sure our roots run deep.

Kids can’t wait

Ponsse North Ame­rica will celebrate its 30 year anni­ver­sary on June 14th.
From now until June 14th, we’re rai­sing money for the kids at Marsh­field Children’s Hos­pi­tal & Children’s Miracle Network through the Log a Load pro­gram! Let’s help kids heal!

Help Ponsse celebrate our anni­ver­sary with a dona­tion, with every dol­lar going to help kids in our own bac­ky­ard.

Let’s make this fun! If we raise $30,000 for the children’s hos­pi­tal, Ponsse North Ame­rica’s Country Direc­tor Pekka Ruus­ka­nen will shave his head. If we reach our goal of $50,000, Ponsse Plc’s lar­gest owner Juha Vidgren will shave his head. Yes, this will be on video and sha­red!

You can make your dona­tion on
This year is more than just an anni­ver­sary year. It’s a year of gene­ro­sity!