• Ponsse Solu­tions

Forest thin­ning is caring

Forests need thin­ning to feel well. Thin­ning secu­res pro­per growth, value growth and health of the forest. Ponsse specia­li­ses in the cut-to-length forest mac­hi­nes, in which stems are already cut for dif­fe­rent pur­po­ses in the forest. The met­hod plays an impor­tant part in res­pon­sible fore­stry.  
  • Ponsse Solu­tions

Solu­tions that improve the operator’s ergo­nomy and make wor­king easier

Ponsse is cons­tantly impro­ving wor­king com­fort and ergo­no­mics for forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors. Solu­tions and the world’s best forest mac­hi­nes are deve­lo­ped with ope­ra­tors and cus­to­mers. The upgra­ded PONSSE Wisent and Elk forwar­ders, the new PONSSE Arm­rests and eArm­rests, and the Active Cabin sus­pen­sion sys­tem, now avai­lable as an option for PONSSE Wisent and Elk, improve the operator’s wor­king com­fort and pro­duc­ti­vity even furt­her.
  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries

Wald Jacob: Ponsse is the num­ber one

Trees in the forest – from plan­ting to har­ves­ting – are just one of the acti­vi­ties at Wald Jacob. In addi­tion, the com­pany pro­duces 25 hec­ta­res of Christ­mas trees. The family also orga­ni­ses a large Christ­mas mar­ket every year in Decem­ber.

Most popu­lar articles

  • Ponsse Solu­tions

Ponsse’s new solu­tions for sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting

Ponsse will demon­strate new solu­tions at the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion in Jämsä that sup­port the daily acti­vi­ties of forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and help forest mac­hine ent­repre­neurs moni­tor the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity of their fleet. Ponsse’s new forwar­ders Elk and Wisend and H7 har­ves­ter heads will be showca­sed at the event for the first time.
  • Log­ging news

Accor­ding to Fin­nish pri­vate inves­tors, Ponsse is the most repu­table lis­ted com­pany in Fin­land

Accor­ding to a sur­vey con­duc­ted by the Fin­nish Sha­re­hol­ders’ Associa­tion, the Fin­nish Foun­da­tion for Share Pro­mo­tion and T‑Media, the most repu­table lis­ted com­pany in 2024 is Ponsse. The sur­vey eva­lua­ted the repu­ta­tion of 80 lis­ted com­pa­nies in the eyes of Fin­nish pri­vate inves­tors. Ponsse is the only com­pany in the sur­vey to achieve an excel­lent repu­ta­tion.