Pons­se’s 55th anni­ver­sary year: The 21,000th forest mac­hine was manu­fac­tu­red in Vie­remä fac­tory

Vuonna 2025 tulee kulu­neeksi 55 vuotta siitä, kun met­sä­ko­ney­rit­täjä Einari Vidgren perusti met­sä­ko­ne­teh­taan koti­kun­taansa Vie­re­mälle. Juh­la­vuosi saa arvoi­sensa alun, kun 21 000. Vie­re­mällä val­mis­tettu Ponsse-met­sä­kone luo­vu­te­taan asiak­kaalle 6.2.2025. Juh­la­ko­neen vas­taa­not­taa yhdys­val­ta­lai­nen asia­kas Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. Ponsse Buf­falo ‑kuor­mat­rak­tori mat­kaa Marcel­liin, Min­ne­so­taan.

  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries

21,000th PONSSE Forest Mac­hine for Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. in the USA 

Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. recei­ved an invi­ta­tion to come and receive the 21,000th Ponsse forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­red in Vie­remä, Fin­land. The mac­hine to be han­ded over is the PONSSE Buf­falo 8W. Paul Esta­brooks and his team from Ponsse North Ame­rica are also celebra­ting the hand over in Vie­remä.  
  • Ponsse Solu­tions

10 rea­sons to adopt PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 is desig­ned to be user-friendly, and it pro­vi­des a per­so­na­lized front page, based on your own pre­fe­rences, as well as more detai­led reports. The sys­tem is easier to use and allows you to get exactly the right infor­ma­tion for your needs. You get compre­hen­sive tools for accu­ra­tely trac­king mac­hine pro­duc­ti­vity, and you can moni­tor out­put in near real-time from various views.
  • Log­ging news

What kind of a ‘Ponsse’ is that going to be? 

This year, Ponsse celebra­tes its 55th year of ope­ra­tion with the theme of Wor­king toget­her at log­ging sites across the World. While the load-car­rying forest trac­tor has chan­ged its shape over the years and deve­lop­ment has con­ti­nued, the story of the company’s name and Ponsse the Dog that wan­de­red around the vil­lage of Vie­remä still lives on.  To celebrate the anni­ver­sary, we are now publis­hing a photo of Ponsse the Dog for the first time. 
  • Log­ging news

The Ponsse Story: Where did it all begin?

The mixed breed dog run­ning around the Vie­remä vil­lage would not have gues­sed that its name would be remem­be­red for deca­des. The first forwar­der deve­lo­ped by forest mac­hine ent­repre­neur Einari Vidgrén was named Ponsse after that dog.

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  • Cus­to­mer sto­ries

21,000th PONSSE Forest Mac­hine for Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. in the USA 

Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. recei­ved an invi­ta­tion to come and receive the 21,000th Ponsse forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­red in Vie­remä, Fin­land. The mac­hine to be han­ded over is the PONSSE Buf­falo 8W. Paul Esta­brooks and his team from Ponsse North Ame­rica are also celebra­ting the hand over in Vie­remä.  
  • Log­ging news

Pons­se’s 55th anni­ver­sary year: The 21,000th forest mac­hine was manu­fac­tu­red in Vie­remä fac­tory

Vuonna 2025 tulee kulu­neeksi 55 vuotta siitä, kun met­sä­ko­ney­rit­täjä Einari Vidgren perusti met­sä­ko­ne­teh­taan koti­kun­taansa Vie­re­mälle. Juh­la­vuosi saa arvoi­sensa alun, kun 21 000. Vie­re­mällä val­mis­tettu Ponsse-met­sä­kone luo­vu­te­taan asiak­kaalle 6.2.2025. Juh­la­ko­neen vas­taa­not­taa yhdys­val­ta­lai­nen asia­kas Scheff Log­ging & Truc­king Inc. Ponsse Buf­falo ‑kuor­mat­rak­tori mat­kaa Marcel­liin, Min­ne­so­taan.
  • Log­ging news

What kind of a ‘Ponsse’ is that going to be? 

This year, Ponsse celebra­tes its 55th year of ope­ra­tion with the theme of Wor­king toget­her at log­ging sites across the World. While the load-car­rying forest trac­tor has chan­ged its shape over the years and deve­lop­ment has con­ti­nued, the story of the company’s name and Ponsse the Dog that wan­de­red around the vil­lage of Vie­remä still lives on.  To celebrate the anni­ver­sary, we are now publis­hing a photo of Ponsse the Dog for the first time. 
  • Ponsse Solu­tions

Ponsse’s new solu­tions for sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting

Ponsse will demon­strate new solu­tions at the Finn­METKO 2024 exhi­bi­tion in Jämsä that sup­port the daily acti­vi­ties of forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and help forest mac­hine ent­repre­neurs moni­tor the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity of their fleet. Ponsse’s new forwar­ders Elk and Wisend and H7 har­ves­ter heads will be showca­sed at the event for the first time.