Jerry Koski — 25 years with Ponsse

Jerry Koski, Ser­vice Mana­ger at Ponsse North Ame­rica, celebra­ted his 25th anni­ver­sary with Ponsse on 22 February 2024.

Jerry, who has Fin­nish ance­stry, gra­dua­ted as a main­te­nance mec­ha­nic for heavy mac­hi­nery in 1987. He began his career at a trans­port com­pany and soon moved to Bark River Cul­vert & Equip­ment, a com­pany sel­ling four-whee­led forwar­ders. He became fami­liar with Valmet’s forest mac­hi­nes when the com­pany was acqui­red by the Swe­dish Val­met Fore­stry. Jerry met Einari and Janne Vidgren at a com­mon acquaintance’s hun­ting lodge. Einari was loo­king for a mec­ha­nic for the Glads­tone area in Mic­hi­gan. Jerry was impres­sed with Einari’s down-to-earth demea­nour and joi­ned Ponsse in February 1999.

Of Ponsse’s values, integrity (We are honest) is the core value for Jerry, both in his work with cus­to­mers and his per­so­nal life. “Wit­hout honesty and humi­lity, not­hing has mea­ning,” says Jerry.

Over the years, Ponsse has grown tre­men­dously. With growth, the com­pany and its emplo­yees have deve­lo­ped, and their safety, well­being and oppor­tu­ni­ties for per­so­nal deve­lop­ment have impro­ved through success­ful per­son­nel mana­ge­ment, for example.

In his free time, Jerry spends time with his wife and family. Hiking, cam­ping, tra­vel, hun­ting, and gar­de­ning are close to his heart.