Kone­huolto P. Kula: already 20 years of effec­tive coo­pe­ra­tion

This year, the cont­rac­tual ser­vice part­ners­hip between Ponsse and Kone­huolto P. Kula, a com­pany ope­ra­ting in the region of Southwest Fin­land, tur­ned 20 years old. Cur­rently, the scope of Kone­huolto P. Kula’s ope­ra­tions equals that of Ponsse’s lar­gest cus­to­mer ser­vice cent­res. The cus­to­mer base has grown over the years, and Ponsse now has roughly 100 forest mac­hi­nes in the region. Most cus­to­mers are wit­hin a 50-kilo­metre radius of the ser­vice centre in Pöy­tyä.

“I’d like to thank the ent­repre­neur Petri Kula for our pro­duc­tive part­ners­hip of 20 years! We want to pro­vide our cus­to­mers with effec­tive main­te­nance and spare parts ser­vices, and Kula has res­pon­ded per­fectly to this demand. I’d like to con­gra­tu­late Petri for his 20-year ent­repre­neurs­hip. His bold and ent­husias­tic atti­tude gua­ran­tees that he will also succeed in the future,” says Jani Liuk­ko­nen, Ponsse’s Sales Direc­tor in Fin­land.

“These 20 years have been an inc­re­dible jour­ney! I don’t think there could be a bet­ter part­ner. Eve­ryt­hing is sol­ved with com­mon sense, and Ponsse’s people are easy to nego­tiate and work with. We have a simi­lar mind­set: the cus­to­mer comes first,” says Petri Kula.

Sasuco Oy, Ponsse’s cont­rac­tual ser­vice part­ner in Nak­kila, con­gra­tu­la­ted Petri Kula (centre in the pic­ture) during the mar­ket day held to celebrate 20 years of ope­ra­tions. Mar­kus San­tikko on the left and Joo­nas Suo­ma­lai­nen from Sasuco Oy on the right in the pic­ture.