More than 36,000 people visi­ted Expo­fo­rest in Brazil

Expo­fo­rest, the world’s lar­gest forest industry exhi­bi­tion, was held in Brazil on 9–11 August 2023. Ponsse’s exhi­bi­tion area fea­tu­red 30 dif­fe­rent har­ves­ting solu­tions, inclu­ding PONSSE EV1, PONSSE Mam­moth and the H9 har­ves­ter head, in addi­tion to Mul­tifleet by Ponsse and Ponsse’s other digi­tal solu­tions. Ponsse’s exhi­bi­tion area of roughly 300 m2 had visi­tors from 15 dif­fe­rent count­ries. Over three days, the num­ber of visi­tors total­led 36,000.