New ser­vice centre in Joen­suu: Even quic­ker main­te­nance and hig­her ser­vice level

Ponsse has ope­ned a new ser­vice centre in Joen­suu to bet­ter serve its cus­to­mers in Eas­tern Fin­land. With about 1,000 square met­res of floor space, the ser­vice centre fea­tu­res field and infor­ma­tion sys­tem main­te­nance, spare parts and mac­hine sales, tech­nical sup­port, ample stocks of indi­vi­dual parts, and a Ponsse Shop.

“The new ser­vice centre enables us to pro­vide an even hig­her level of ser­vice for our cus­to­mers. With a repair shop and spare parts ware­house in the same faci­lity, main­te­nance tur­na­round times are also shor­te­ned, lea­ving more time for unin­ter­rup­ted har­ves­ting,” says Jani Liuk­ko­nen, Country Mana­ger for Ponsse Fin­land.

“On the spare parts side, we can now pro­vide a deli­very ser­vice, making it pos­sible for our cus­to­mers to sign a ser­vice agree­ment on equip­ment purc­ha­ses,” adds Liuk­ko­nen. Along with the new faci­li­ties, we will focus more on per­son­nel trai­ning with an option to inc­rease our num­ber of per­son­nel if neces­sary. Cur­rently, the ser­vice centre has 13 emplo­yees.

The ser­vice centre in Joen­suu is loca­ted roughly six kilo­met­res south of the city centre. Ponsse chose a loca­tion that is easy for cus­to­mers to access from any direc­tion.

Cur­rently, the ser­vice network in Fin­land con­sists of 26 loca­tions, with a total of roughly 190 pro­fes­sio­nals. Ponsse’s mar­ket share in Fin­land is 53 per cent.

The inter­na­tio­nal PONSSE main­te­nance network con­sists of 235 ser­vice cent­res. All PONSSE ser­vice cent­res are situa­ted in cent­ral loca­tions con­si­de­ring cus­to­mers’ ope­ra­tions and logis­tics.