Ope­ra­tor Talent: trai­ning ope­ra­tors and mec­ha­nics for the needs of our cus­to­mers

The Ope­ra­tor Talent trai­ning pro­gramme star­ted from Ponsse Uruguay’s ini­tia­tive to meet cus­to­mer needs by star­ting a trai­ning tour. The pro­gramme finds, selects, and trains forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and ser­vice mec­ha­nics.

Both ope­ra­tors and ser­vice mec­ha­nics are vital for log­ging. As a mar­ket grows, so does the need for com­pe­tent wor­kers. This may pose a great chal­lenge for fin­ding trai­ned and skil­led emplo­yees.

Ponsse has always sought to pro­vide its cus­to­mers with solu­tions and ser­vices that meet the needs of sus­tai­nable fore­stry. For many years, one of our solu­tions has been the Ponsse Aca­demy, which is our inter­nal trai­ning sys­tem for ope­ra­tors and mec­ha­nics.


With the upco­ming ope­ning of the second pulp mill of UPM, poten­tial was seen in pre­pa­ring for the coming situa­tion. This gave rise to the idea of the Ope­ra­tor Talent pro­gramme. The trai­ning pro­gramme was to be open for all: any­one who wis­hed to train as a forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor or ser­vice mec­ha­nic could sign up. The first part was for tes­ting the par­tici­pants to select the can­di­da­tes who could complete the full pro­gramme and trai­ning.

Trai­ning tours were orga­ni­sed in 2021 and 2022 by the Ponsse Uru­guay trai­ning team, who visi­ted loca­tions impor­tant for our cus­to­mers’ ope­ra­tions to offer the trai­ning pro­gramme. More than 1,200 people sig­ned up during these two years and tours.


The trai­ning pro­gramme had three sta­ges. The first stage inclu­ded a psyc­ho­lo­gical test that gau­ged the apti­tude of the can­di­da­tes for the work. Those who qua­li­fied for the second stage could demon­strate their abi­li­ties in a The Ope­ra­tor Talent trai­ning pro­gramme star­ted from Ponsse Uruguay’s ini­tia­tive to meet cus­to­mer needs by star­ting a trai­ning tour. The pro­gramme finds, selects, and trains forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors and ser­vice mec­ha­nics. forest mac­hine simu­la­tor. The can­di­da­tes who made it to the third stage recei­ved trai­ning. They were given a choice between two free trai­ning cour­ses: forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor or ser­vice mec­ha­nic. So far, 135 people have comple­ted the trai­ning and many of them now work for Ponsse cus­to­mers in dif­fe­rent parts of Uru­guay.

Equa­lity was given prio­rity in the training’s imple­men­ta­tion. Every part of the trai­ning was orga­ni­sed so that the par­tici­pants did not have to tra­vel anyw­here in order to par­tici­pate. This was done to offer every can­di­date an equal oppor­tu­nity to take part in the trai­ning.



Ope­ra­tor Talent was a unique and inno­va­tive solu­tion to a chal­lenge. It was our first time par­tici­pa­ting in a pro­ject like this and our expe­riences were really good. We found skil­led emplo­yees through the pro­gramme and today we have seven forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors who are gra­dua­tes of the Ponsse pro­gramme. We hired them eight months ago and eve­ryt­hing has gone smoothly. Their skills are almost on par with our most expe­rienced ope­ra­tors. This was wit­hout a doubt a use­ful solu­tion for us: we found skil­led ope­ra­tors, and the Ponsse team pro­vi­ded help­ful sup­port during the process.



I’m Leo­nardo Apa­ricio from the city of Polanco, close to the city of Laval­leja in Uru­guay. Cur­rently, I work as a forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor for Lecal SRL thanks to the Ope­ra­tor Talent pro­gramme orga­ni­sed by Ponsse Uru­guay in 2021. I found out about the trai­ning tour through social media and deci­ded to sign up. The sta­ges of the pro­gramme were chal­len­ging. The expe­rience was very impor­tant for me and the com­mu­nity of my home­town: even people from small towns could par­tici­pate in the pro­gramme wit­hout having to tra­vel a long way or pay to par­tici­pate. This was unprece­den­ted. The trai­ners and the work done by the Ponsse team were impres­sive, as was the con­tent of the trai­ning. It was an unfor­get­table expe­rience!