Ponsse 55 Anni­ver­sary Road Show began in sunny Vesi­lahti

Pons­se’s 55th anni­ver­sary Log­ging tour began in sunny spring weat­her in Vesi­lahti in Fin­land.

The first day of Pons­se’s anni­ver­sary Log­ging tour in Vesi­lahti att­rac­ted nearly 400 guests inte­res­ted in fore­stry. The sunny spring day was spent in a relaxed atmosp­here, chat­ting with friends, fol­lowing demo shows and lear­ning about the new pro­ducts.

On Fri­day, March 21, our tour will arrive in Var­kaus. We welcome eve­ry­one to the event!

With the fol­lowing pho­tos, we want warmly
thank all the guests who visi­ted us at the event!

Visi­tors were inte­res­ted in the new PONSSE Grea­sing Sys­tem.