Ponsse at Uru­fo­rest Fair in Uru­guay

This first large-scale fore­stry, agricul­ture and envi­ron­ment fair in Juan Lacaze – Colo­nia brought toget­her the main players in the sec­tor, con­so­li­da­ting itself as a key mee­ting point for the exhi­bi­tion of pro­ducts, tech­no­lo­gies and the exc­hange of know­ledge. The four-day-fair had over 200 exhi­bi­ting com­pa­nies pre­sent and was visi­ted by over 25,000 guests.

The pur­pose of Uru­fo­rest was mul­tiple: To show the impor­tance of the fore­stry sec­tor in the Uru­guayan eco­nomy and its cont­ri­bu­tion to sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment, to pro­mote inno­va­tion pre­sen­ting the latest trends and tech­no­lo­gies in fore­stry mac­hi­nery, equip­ment and proces­ses, faci­li­tate con­tact between com­pa­nies and gene­rate new busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties and high­light the impor­tance of sus­tai­nable fore­stry prac­tices and res­pon­sible mana­ge­ment of natu­ral resources.

Ponsse – the lea­ding player

Ponsse, with its long his­tory in the manu­fac­ture of high-qua­lity fore­stry mac­hi­nery and its com­mit­ment to sus­tai­na­bi­lity, was pre­sen­ted as a bench­mark in the sec­tor.

The equip­ment exhi­bi­ted by Ponsse were the H10 har­ves­ter head, PONSSE Ergo and PONSSE Bear har­ves­ters, and PONSSE Mam­moth forwar­der. These are just a few of the many Ponsse Solu­tions that Ponsse offers its cus­to­mers that goes from its wide range of mac­hi­nery and all the after sales solu­tions: Ser­vice, Spare parts sales, Trai­ning and mat­ters rela­ted to data mana­ge­ment which is part of the Digi­tal Ser­vices.

Ponsse is lea­ding Uru­guayan mar­ket with a deep focus in the cus­to­mer clo­se­ness adap­ted to the needs of Uru­guay and other count­ries of South Ame­rica with dea­lers in Argen­tina, Colom­bia and Para­guay.

Events like Uru­fo­rest are essen­tial to boost the deve­lop­ment of the fore­stry sec­tor. Inno­va­tion and sus­tai­na­bi­lity are the way forward to build a more pros­pe­rous and res­pon­sible future and there is no doubt that this is our way.