Ponsse financing solu­tions

The acqui­si­tion of a forest mac­hine is a sig­ni­ficant invest­ment for star­ting cont­rac­tors and long-stan­ding com­pa­nies alike.

Most of our cus­to­mers already aim to balance the finances of their busi­ness ope­ra­tions, which is why they make their invest­ments using financing ser­vices. We have deve­lo­ped solu­tions for res­pon­sible har­ves­ting for more than 50 years and have pro­vi­ded financing for nearly as long. Through our part­ners, we pro­vide financing solu­tions for the acqui­si­tion of new forest mac­hi­nes and invest­ments in used mac­hi­nes.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact your regio­nal sales­per­son.