PONSSE HH360 rota­tor enables 360-degree rota­tion of har­ves­ter heads

Demon­stra­ted to the public for the first time at the Expocorma trade fair in Chile, the HH360 rota­tor has aroused much inte­rest among cus­to­mers. The rota­tor is an inno­va­tive solu­tion co-deve­lo­ped with Black Bruin that makes it pos­sible for the har­ves­ter head to rotate a full, unli­mi­ted 360 degrees. The rota­tor allows the hoses coming from the crane to stay put and the har­ves­ter head to rotate freely wit­hout unex­pec­ted inter­rup­tions of pro­duc­tion due to kin­ked hoses.

“We began to deve­lop this solu­tion based on our cus­to­mers’ needs. The new pro­duct allows the har­ves­ter head to rotate 360 degrees wit­hout twis­ting its hoses. Free har­ves­ter head rota­tion speeds up stem proces­sing, aids the ope­ra­tor, and reduces hose-rela­ted issues,” says Janne Lopo­nen, pro­duct mana­ger in charge of har­ves­ter heads.

“Com­pa­red to our com­pe­ti­tors’ pro­ducts, our solu­tion is robust, power­ful, and, above all, energy-efficient, and Ponsse has exclusive rights to use the pro­duct in forest mac­hi­nes,” says Lopo­nen.

The rota­tor is avai­lable for Ponsse har­ves­ter head models H6, H7, H8, H7 HD, H8 HD, H7 HD Euca, and H8 HD Euca as a sepa­rate har­ves­ter head attach­ment.

”We have had the new rota­tor in use now for five months and we have rea­ped great advan­ta­ges in terms of main­te­nance costs. Well, the new Rota­tor PONSSE HH360, as it rota­tes freely, has hel­ped us to reduce twis­ted burst hoses, thus impro­ving our ope­ra­tio­nal per­for­mance and reducing fore­stry har­vest costs”.

José Clau­dio Sta­nieski,
Fore­stry Mana­ger at Flo­res­tal Segundo Pla­nalto, the fore­stry branch of Brazi­lian plywood Ber­neck.