Ponsse is once again one of Fin­land’s most pres­ti­gious com­pa­nies

Ponsse is the third most repu­table com­pany in Fin­land in 2024. A sur­vey by T‑Media reveals that the most repu­table com­pa­nies in 2024 among Finns are KONE and Fazer. A total of 10 575 citizens res­pon­ded to this year’s sur­vey.

“Thanks for this award go to all our Ponsse emplo­yees and cus­to­mers and their fami­lies, as well as to our sta­ke­hol­ders around the world. We don’t do this alone, but as a team and toget­her we will succeed in good times and chal­len­ging times alike,” says Jarmo Vidgren, Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors of Ponsse Plc.

The award was recei­ved by Terhi Koi­pi­järvi, Mem­ber of the Board of Direc­tors of Ponsse.

The top three com­pa­nies in the sur­vey — Kone, Fazer and Ponsse — are all family-owned or anc­hor-owned com­pa­nies.

From left: Liisa Erola, Vice Pre­si­dent, Com­mu­nica­tions from Fazer, Gia Fors­man-Här­kö­nen, Senior Com­mu­nica­tions Mana­ger from Kone and Terhi Koi­pi­järvi.
Photo: Vesa Koi­vu­nen

“Throug­hout the his­tory of the Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation) sur­vey, repu­table com­pa­nies have often inclu­ded family-owned com­pa­nies, which speaks volu­mes about the impor­tance of family-owned com­pa­nies in Fin­nish society and eco­nomy. In many family busi­nes­ses, repu­ta­tion mana­ge­ment is part of the com­pa­ny’s his­to­rical ope­ra­ting cul­ture, and this is also clearly visible in our sur­vey results.” ‚” says Riku Ruo­ko­lahti, Deve­lop­ment Direc­tor at T‑Media.

T‑Media sur­veyed the repu­ta­tion of com­pa­nies ope­ra­ting in Fin­land in June and July. Of the top three com­pa­nies, KONE recei­ved a repu­ta­tion score of 3.95, Fazer 3.93 and Ponsse 3.90. The sur­vey used a five-point rating scale (1–5).

The orga­ni­sa­tions were asses­sed using T‑Media’s Luottamus&Maine sur­vey model, where an orga­ni­sa­tion’s repu­ta­tion score is the ave­rage of eight dif­fe­rent areas. These are cor­po­rate gover­nance, finance, lea­ders­hip, inno­va­tion, inte­rac­tion, pro­ducts & ser­vices, workplace and res­pon­si­bi­lity.