Ponsse Mam­moth  Forwar­der – For Deman­ding Log­ging Sites

The PONSSE Mam­moth forwar­der ensu­res pro­duc­tive har­ves­ting, even on the most deman­ding log­ging sites. Equip­ped with the stepless Con­ti­nuo­usly Variable Trans­mis­sion (CVT) sys­tem and the PONSSE K121 loa­der, Mammoth’s sturdy frame struc­tu­res and super-strong hydrau­lics ensure that large stems and heavy loads can be trans­por­ted effort­lessly, even in the most chal­len­ging ter­rain. In the PONSSE Mam­moth forwar­der, the forest mac­hine operator’s ergo­no­mics have been addres­sed every step of the way, and it can be equip­ped with new fea­tu­res that improve the operator’s ergo­no­mics, such as Active Cabin and Active Seat.


PONSSE forwar­ders (except for Bison) can now be equip­ped with PONSSE Active Cabin, an effec­tive cabin sus­pen­sion sys­tem with a simple struc­ture. It helps forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors keep going, even during lon­ger shifts, by sus­pen­ding any stress on the cabin. Active Cabin is avai­lable for the Buf­falo, Elep­hant, Elep­hant King and Mam­moth  forwar­ders. PONSSE Bison is equip­ped with advanced Active Frame cabin level­ling sys­tem.


is a seat func­tion deve­lo­ped based on forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors’ requests. The new Active Seat impro­ves usa­bi­lity, as it turns and fol­lows the boom tip accor­ding to crane  move­ments, inc­rea­sing the forest mac­hine operator’s pro­duc­ti­vity. PONSSE Active Seat is avai­lable as an option for all PONSSE forwar­ders equip­ped with the PONSSE Active Crane loa­der cont­rol sys­tem.


is a loa­der cont­rol sys­tem for forwar­ders, with which the ope­ra­tor cont­rols grapple move­ments ins­tead of indi­vi­dual func­tions, allowing the ope­ra­tor to concent­rate effec­ti­vely on wor­king with the loa­der. Active Crane is easily cont­rol­led using two levers, one of which cont­rols the grapple height from the ground and the other cont­rols the direc­tion of move­ment.


is an addi­tio­nal display for forwar­ders. It mir­rors the view of the Opti display ins­tal­led in the cabin, which remains hid­den behind the operator’s back when dri­ving in the engine’s direc­tion. By fit­ting an addi­tio­nal display, the ope­ra­tor does not need to turn their seat to watch the display when the dri­ving direc­tion chan­ges.