PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 gat­hers digi­tal offe­ring into one pac­kage

PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0. is a next-gene­ra­tion digi­tal ser­vice plat­form and forest mac­hine mana­ge­ment sys­tem that pro­vi­des cus­to­mers valuable data of mac­hi­nes’ loca­tion, pro­duc­ti­vity figu­res and fuel con­sump­tion, among others. The PONSSE Mana­ger moni­tors the progress of stands, plans, and mana­ges mac­hine trans­por­ta­tion, keep track of mac­hine out­puts accor­ding to assort­ment and print out mea­su­ring cer­ti­fica­tes.

“With the quick tempo of the modern world and the huge amount of data we see every day, fin­ding the cor­rect piece of infor­ma­tion is often like trying to find a needle in the hays­tack. New Ponsse Mana­ger is a comple­tely new approach to more sus­tai­nable and more digi­ta­lized fore­stry”,  says Pet­teri Tuo­misto, Mana­ger, of Digi­tal Solu­tions Sales

It´s time to take you back to the dri­ver’s seat

Miika Soi­ni­nen, Chief Digi­tal Officer of Ponsse com­ments: “We want to sup­port our cus­to­mers, so that they can run their busi­ness success­fully” This has been the gui­ding principle, how we have desig­ned new Ponsse Mana­ger. All the deve­lop­ment has been based on cus­to­mer feed­back and cus­to­mer needs from all over the world”.

In Ponsse Mana­ger 2.0, the user can create a per­so­na­lized home page focusing on the most impor­tant data. Every impor­tant infor­ma­tion is visible imme­dia­tely, varia­tions can be disco­ve­red quickly, and cor­rec­tive action can be taken directly. With the single sign-on, all digi­tal solu­tions requi­red to improve ope­ra­tio­nal efficiency and pro­duc­ti­vity are at the user’s dis­po­sal in one web address. PONSSE Mana­ger keeps cus­to­mers up to date on data that affects their mac­hi­nes’ pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and helps improve ope­ra­tions’ efficiency. 
One of the new key fea­tu­res is the pos­si­bi­lity to down­load all reports and, e.g. com­bine them in a spreads­heet with other data to create new valuable views of your ope­ra­tions. Mobile applica­tions will also be avai­lable to down­load for free from your app store. “The mobile app is easy to use on site, with all requi­red func­tio­na­li­ties avai­lable for pro­fes­sio­nals wor­king in dif­fe­rent roles” says Jenni Pulk­ki­nen, Pro­duct Owner Digi­tal Solu­tions.

Ponsse is deve­lo­ping its digi­tal solu­tions toget­her with its cus­to­mers. The digi­tal inno­va­tions address the right issues and pro­vide rele­vant sup­port for both pro­fes­sio­nals wor­king on-site and those res­pon­sible for smooth and efficient fleet mana­ge­ment.

Ponsse Stu­dio: PONSSE Mana­ger 2.0 — You­Tube