Ponsse North Ame­rica: A new loca­tion ope­ned in Flo­rida to speed up the spread of the CTL met­hod

Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc. expan­ded its ope­ra­tions and ope­ned up a new ser­vice centre in Tal­la­has­see, Flo­rida, at the end of last year. The expan­sion was moti­va­ted by the region’s inc­rea­sing demand for tim­ber and growing mac­hine sales in the sout­hern Uni­ted Sta­tes.

“We are more than exci­ted about our new loca­tion, and its ope­ra­tions have got­ten off to a good start. In the sout­hern US, the cut-tolength (CTL) met­hod is not yet as popu­lar as it is in the Uni­ted Sta­tes as a whole, and we also wan­ted to help spread this envi­ron­men­tally friendly met­hod here to the sout­hern parts as well,” says Pekka Ruus­ka­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc.

“In industrial har­ves­ting, the CTL met­hod offers various bene­fits com­pa­red to con­ven­tio­nal tree-length har­ves­ting, which remains the most popu­lar met­hod in the Uni­ted Sta­tes today. In the CTL met­hod, the har­ves­ter fells, delimbs, mea­su­res, opti­mi­ses and cuts stems to make the assort­ments the forest com­pany has orde­red. In addi­tion, har­ves­ting is pos­sible round the year, regard­less of weat­her con­di­tions, which ensu­res a hig­her pro­duc­ti­vity for mac­hine owners,” explains Ruus­ka­nen.

“We also wan­ted to help spread the envi­ron­men­tally friendly met­hod here to the sout­hern parts as well.”

Pekka Ruus­ka­nen,
CEO, Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc.

Establis­hed in 1995, Ponsse North Ame­rica, Inc. is Ponsse’s sub­si­diary with its head office in Rhi­ne­lan­der, Wiscon­sin. Cur­rently, the com­pany has 89 emplo­yees. In addi­tion to the new loca­tion in Flo­rida, it has ser­vice cent­res in Wiscon­sin, Mic­hi­gan, Min­ne­sota and Ore­gon. Today Ponsse has alto­get­her 14 dea­lers and ser­vice out­lets across the Uni­ted Sta­tes.

In the cut-to-length (CTL) met­hod, trees are already proces­sed in the forest accor­ding to their end use, and branc­hes and crowns are left on the ground to nou­rish the next gene­ra­tion of trees. Ponsse has dedica­ted the last five deca­des and more to the manu­fac­tu­ring, sale, main­te­nance, and R&D of effec­tive and envi­ron­men­tally friendly CTL forest mac­hi­nes.