The upda­ted software ver­sion ser­ves the ope­ra­tor even bet­ter.

The upda­ted software ver­sion of PONSSE OPTI 5G (2.0.18) ente­red into pro­duc­tion in June 2023. It fea­tu­res seve­ral new and impro­ved pro­duct pro­per­ties that enable, among others:

All impro­ve­ments and new pro­duct pro­per­ties serve to make the operator’s work easier and more effec­tive and pro­duc­tive.

Cur­rently, PONSSE Opti 5G covers all Ponsse’s mar­ket areas for har­ves­ters. Ver­sion 2.0 will be upda­ted in all PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes deli­ve­red with 5G.