Ponsse to become first forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rer to use SSAB fos­sil-free steel

SSAB and Ponsse Plc, one of the world’s lar­gest manu­fac­tu­rers of cut-to-length forest mac­hi­nes, have joi­ned forces in a part­ners­hip in which SSAB is to deli­ver fos­sil-free steel to Ponsse gra­dually begin­ning in 2026.

This part­ners­hip will furt­her soli­dify Ponsse’s posi­tion as a pro­vi­der of sus­tai­nable forest mac­hi­nes and bring SSAB clo­ser to its goal of establis­hing a fos­sil-free value chain.

“It’s great to have a reliable part­ner like Ponsse now joi­ning our fos­sil-free jour­ney. Joint efforts are nee­ded to meet the chal­len­ging CO2 reduc­tion tar­gets in forest mac­hi­nes. Both com­pa­nies prio­ri­tize sus­tai­nable solu­tions and will strive to make a posi­tive impact on forest mac­hi­nes using SSAB Fos­sil-free™ steel, fos­te­ring inno­va­tion while res­pec­ting nature,” says Lotta Ruot­ti­nen, Sales Direc­tor at SSAB Europe.

“Our pro­ducts and ser­vices will play a crucial role in assis­ting our cus­to­mers in achie­ving their cli­mate objec­ti­ves during the tran­si­tion to a low-car­bon eco­nomy. Our PONSSE EV1 forwar­der concept with comple­tely elect­ric drive and our part­ners­hip with SSAB regar­ding fos­sil- free steels will lead our deve­lop­ment towards car­bon neut­ral fore­stry,” says Juha Inberg, Chief R&D and Tech­no­logy Officer, Ponsse Plc.

SSAB plans to revo­lu­tio­nize the entire steel­ma­king process. SSAB aims to deli­ver fos­sil-free steel to the mar­ket at a com­mercial scale during 2026 and to lar­gely eli­mi­nate car­bon dioxide emis­sions from our ope­ra­tions in around 2030. SSAB works with iron ore pro­ducer LKAB and energy com­pany Vat­ten­fall as part of the HYBRIT ini­tia­tive to deve­lop a value chain for fos­sil-free iron- and steel­ma­king, replacing the coking coal tra­di­tio­nally used for iron ore­ba­sed steel­ma­king with fos­sil-free elect­ricity and hydro­gen. This process vir­tually eli­mi­na­tes car­bon dioxide-emis­sions in steel pro­duc­tion.

SSAB is a Nor­dic and US-based steel com­pany. SSAB offers value-added pro­ducts and ser­vices deve­lo­ped in close coo­pe­ra­tion with its cus­to­mers to create a stron­ger, ligh­ter, and more sus­tai­nable world. SSAB has emplo­yees in over 50 count­ries. SSAB has pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in Swe­den, Fin­land, and the US. Read more about SSAB www.ssab.com.

In the pic­ture: Lotta Ruot­ti­nen, Sales Direc­tor in SSAB Europe and Juha Inberg Chief R&D and Tech­no­logy Officer, Ponsse Plc