Ponsse Uru­guay ope­ned a new ser­vice centre in Tacua­rembó, Nort­hern Uru­guay

Ponsse Uru­guay ope­ned new faci­li­ties in Tacua­rembó. This new ser­vice centre will allow Ponsse to be clo­ser to its cus­to­mers and offer a bet­ter after-sales ser­vice with grea­ter spare part stock avai­la­bi­lity. A large works­hop enables to carry out repairs and ser­vices wit­hout having to tra­vel over 200 kilo­met­res to Pay­sandú. The nort­hern area of ​​Uru­guay is growing area in fore­stry and an impor­tant mar­ket area for Ponsse.

Tacua­rembó City- A Fore­stry Hub in Uru­guay

The city ser­ves as a cent­ral point for tim­ber har­ves­ting, proces­sing, and trade, sup­por­ting local eco­no­mies and cont­ri­bu­ting sig­ni­ficantly to Uru­guay’s fore­stry exports. Tacua­rembó’s com­mit­ment to sus­tai­nable fore­stry prac­tices ensu­res the long-term via­bi­lity of its natu­ral resources while pro­mo­ting envi­ron­men­tal con­ser­va­tion.

The new faci­lity employs a team of 7 people in the sale of spare parts and mec­ha­nical ser­vice, having a shor­ter res­ponse time in ser­ving all cus­to­mers in the area.