Ponsse’s 19,000th forest mac­hine went to Scot­land

The 19,000th PONSSE forest mac­hine was han­ded over to Scot­tish long-term cus­to­mer Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd. The PONSSE Scor­pion Giant har­ves­ter with an H8 har­ves­ter head will work at log­ging sites in the Scot­tish Bor­ders and Scot­tish Low­lands.


Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd is based in Sel­kirk in Scot­land. The com­pany star­ted more than 35 years ago, plan­ting trees with a small squad of men. Over the years, the busi­ness has grown and diver­si­fied into fore­stry, con­struc­tion, and scaf­fol­ding. Today, Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd compri­ses more than 40 forest mac­hi­nes which can under­take clear fell, thin­ning, steep ground har­ves­ting ope­ra­tions, ground pre­pa­ra­tion or the con­struc­tion of forest roads. Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd also has the capa­bi­lity for site brash clea­rance, stump remo­val and ser­vicing the bio­mass industry. The com­pany is also a foun­ding mem­ber of the Forest Industry Safety Accord and is a mem­ber of the Fore­stry Cont­rac­tors Associa­tion.

With Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd being a long-stan­ding cus­to­mer for well over 20 years, it’s a fit­ting tri­bute to the rela­tions­hip between the cus­to­mer and manu­fac­tu­rer that the land­mark 19,000th mac­hine is joi­ning the fleet. “Elliot Hen­der­son Ltd has always been at the forefront of new mac­hine relea­ses over the years, which in turn keeps the har­ves­ting fleet pro­duc­tive and at the van­guard of inno­va­tion. We are exci­ted to be adding this Scor­pion Giant to the fleet. This mac­hine will go straight to work in the wind­blow resul­ting from Storm Arwen and we feel the extra power and H8 head will bene­fit us in this applica­tion. We look forward to see­ing what it can do! We are cur­rently run­ning PONSSE Scor­pion, Ergo, three Elep­hants and one Buf­falo.” says Neil Pur­ves, Direc­tor of Har­ves­ting for the Elliot Hen­der­son Group.


Ponsse UK was establis­hed at 1996, and since 2017, the com­pany has ope­ra­ted at Annan, Scot­land. The first PONSSE forest mac­hine was deli­ve­red to the country in 1994, and the fleet now compri­ses nearly 400 Ponsse mac­hi­nes. The Annan ser­vice centre is a workplace for about 30 Ponsse pro­fes­sio­nals.


Scot­land is ideal for growing trees: it has mild win­ters, plen­ti­ful rain­fall, fer­tile soil, and a hill-shel­te­red topo­graphy. Scotland’s forests and wood­land area covers more than 1.4 mil­lion hec­ta­res; 18.5% of the country is cove­red by trees. Fore­stry cont­ri­bu­tes almost £1 bil­lion to the Scot­tish eco­nomy, and the industry employs more than 25,000 people. Ove­rall, 81.6% of Scotland’s wood­land con­sists of plan­ta­tions of non-native coni­fers like Sitka spruce, lod­ge­pole pine, larch, and Norway spruce. The native Scots pine covers 11.6% of Scotland’s forest land.