Pons­se’s dea­ler Hydro­mec ope­ned new pre­mi­ses

Hydro­mec Inc., a Ponsse dea­ler based in Canada, celebra­ted the inau­gu­ra­tion of a new faci­lity near Que­bec City in Amos & Saint-Augus­tin-de-Des­mau­res on 25 and 26 Octo­ber 2024. Hydro­mec has been a Ponsse dea­ler since 2004 and has wor­ked also in coo­pe­ra­tion with pro­duct deve­lop­ment – PONSSE Mam­moth and the K121 loa­der are examples of this coo­pe­ra­tion.

Hydro­mec is a family busi­ness foun­ded in 1975 by the fat­her of the cur­rent main owner and CEO Jean Trot­tier. The com­pany specia­lizes in the sale of forest mac­hi­nes, but it also has strong exper­tise in hydrau­lics and mac­hi­ning.

The com­pa­ny’s headquar­ter is loca­ted in Dol­beau-Mis­tas­sin, Nort­hern Que­bec. It also has offices in Chicou­timi and Amos & Saint-Augus­tin-de-Des­mau­res. The com­pany employs nearly 100 people.

”Ope­ning new pre­mi­ses is a big invest­ment and at the same time a ful­fill­ment of a long-term dream. With the new pre­mi­ses, we have show­room for two mac­hi­nes and har­ves­ter heads, as well as a works­hop with five wor­king bays,” says Jean Trot­tier, Pre­si­dent and Mana­ging Direc­tor of Hydro­mec.

”We have had coo­pe­ra­tion with Hydro­mec for a long time and are very plea­sed with them. The ope­ra­tions emp­ha­sise the impor­tance of main­te­nance and after-sales ser­vices for our cus­to­mers, and in Que­bec, for example, you can find a compre­hen­sive selec­tion of Ponsse spare parts,” says Eero Luk­ka­ri­nen, Pons­se’s Area Mana­ger of Canada. “The tech­nical exper­tise of the empo­yees is also of a very high level, ” con­ti­nues Luk­ka­ri­nen.

The new site in Amos & Saint-Augus­tin-de-Des­mau­res strengt­hens Pons­se’s pre­sence in areas where Ponsse has not been par­ticu­larly strong in the past. The mag­ni­ficent, woo­den-fra­med buil­ding is itself a great example of the sui­ta­bi­lity and pos­si­bi­li­ties of wood con­struc­tion in various con­struc­tion pro­jects.