Ponsse´s new solu­tions to improve pro­duc­ti­vity and pro­fi­ta­bi­lity

Ponsse is pre­sen­ting new fea­tu­res to sup­port forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors’ daily work and to assist fore­stry ent­repre­neurs to fol­low up on the fleet’s pro­fi­ta­bi­lity and pro­duc­ti­vity: the PONSSE Scale crane sys­tem, which mana­ges load data during all wor­king sta­ges, and the PONSSE High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning solu­tion, which helps the mac­hine ope­ra­tor know the exact loca­tion of the mac­hine and the har­ves­ter head.

We are also pre­sen­ting a fos­sil-free mate­rial concept load space. Ponsse is the first forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rer in the world to show a part of forest mac­hine made of SSAB fos­sil-free steel. 

We aim for a fos­sil-free future

We have manu­fac­tu­red at Vie­remä fac­tory a PONSSE Buf­falo forwarder´s load space of SSAB fos­sil free steel. This is a mate­rial concept to invest in the wor­ka­bi­lity, beha­viour and cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the new mate­rial used in forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­ring. The load space is desig­ned only for mate­rial tes­ting and does not cor­res­pond to pro­duc­tion models. The mate­rial concept is part of the FORWARD27 eco­sys­tem pro­ject.


PONSSE Scale is a crane scale sys­tem that weighs, sorts, saves and mana­ges load data during all wor­king sta­ges. The col­lec­ted weig­hing data makes load hand­ling rou­ti­nes easier. Precise weight mea­su­re­ments ensure an opti­mal load at all times. It fea­tu­res full weig­hing auto­ma­tion during both loa­ding and unloa­ding, with detai­led load regi­stra­tion. Whet­her loads are grab­bed in the middle or off-centre does not affect the weight result. Load details, load log­books and mea­su­ring accu­racy data are avai­lable in easy-to-read reports. PONSSE Scale has excel­lent weat­her resis­tance, with accu­rate results in both hot sum­mer tem­pe­ra­tu­res and winter’s sub-zero tem­pe­ra­tu­res.

PONSSE Scale can be ins­tal­led in all PONSSE forwar­der loa­der models.

PONSSE High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning

PONSSE High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning is a solu­tion that helps the mac­hine ope­ra­tor know the exact loca­tion of the mac­hine and the har­ves­ter head. This enables the effec­ti­ve­ness of log­ging ope­ra­tions to be main­tai­ned, even in chan­ging con­di­tions.

Uti­li­sing industry-lea­ding navi­ga­tion and loca­tion tools, as well as Ponsse’s own advanced tech­no­lo­gies such as Active Crane, High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning can raise the relia­bi­lity bar to a level con­ven­tio­nal posi­tio­ning sys­tems often don’t reach.

By defi­ning the exact loca­tion of the har­ves­ter head and pre­sen­ting it on a map view, High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning can sig­ni­ficantly improve har­ves­ting pro­duc­ti­vity. The solu­tion clearly shows where the ope­ra­tor should har­vest and the areas that should be avoi­ded. Every stump loca­tion is saved in the pro­duc­tion file, and the dri­ving path the har­ves­ter crea­tes is clearly visible to the forwar­der.

The new solu­tions will improve your ope­ra­tions’ pro­duc­ti­vity and safety. They will also ensure that the site is most reliably and res­pon­sibly comple­ted on time and on bud­get.

High-Preci­sion Posi­tio­ning is avai­lable in Fin­land, Swe­den and Ger­many for all PONSSE har­ves­ters equip­ped with Active Crane, and it can also be ret­ro­fit­ted. Avai­la­bi­lity for other mar­kets will be speci­fied later.

On Fri­day 14 June, Ponsse celebrate its long jour­ney in Swe­den at the Sura­ham­mar ser­vice centre toget­her with the cus­to­mers

“The com­mit­ment of our staff and our compre­hen­sive ser­vice network has been deve­lo­ped over the years to res­pond to cus­to­mer needs. Ponsse AB was establis­hed in Swe­den in 1994, when there were few Ponsse forest mac­hi­nes in the country. In three deca­des, we have slowly but surely built and strengt­he­ned the Ponsse brand here. We have deve­lo­ped our ser­vice network to offer the best cus­to­mer expe­rience every day. Of course, we are also deve­lo­ping our excel­lent pro­ducts to meet cus­to­mer needs. Today, we ser­vice our approxi­ma­tely thousand-strong forest mac­hine fleet with 8 Ponsse ser­vice cent­res and 17 ser­vice dea­lers across Swe­den, says Carl-Hen­rik Ham­mar, Mana­ging Direc­tor, Ponsse Swe­den.