Prac­tical trai­ning at Ponsse

Ponsse pro­vi­des young people with a wide range of oppor­tu­ni­ties to gain
work expe­rience.

Jakub Šitina from the Czech Republic star­ted a five-month trai­ning period rela­ted to his stu­dies at the begin­ning of the year. Jakub works in research and deve­lop­ment as part of the cabin design team as a trai­nee.

He became fami­liar with Ponsse’s mac­hi­nes as a child. His fat­her, Tomáš, has wor­ked with Ponsse mac­hi­nes for more than 20 years and cur­rently works as a ser­vice mana­ger at Ponsse in the Czech Republic. Jakub became inte­res­ted in Ponsse’s forest mac­hi­nes through his father’s work.

Martta Kuh­mo­nen, a ninth gra­der from Vesanto, comple­ted her work expe­rience period (TET) in the ware­house at the Vie­remä fac­tory. She wor­ked in the col­lec­tion process. Her tasks inclu­ded pac­king inco­ming goods into boxes and sto­ring them in the auto­ma­ted ware­house, as well as col­lec­ting parts for pro­duc­tion lines, for example.

Martta lear­ned quickly in a sup­por­tive wor­king envi­ron­ment. She has nar­rowed down her career inte­rests to two options: a forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor or a forest mac­hine mec­ha­nic.