Progress Tech­nik Ltd is res­pon­sible of sel­ling and ser­vicing Ponsse forest mac­hi­nes in Bul­ga­ria

Progress-Tech­nik has deve­lo­ped its ope­ra­tions in Bul­ga­rian mar­kets for seve­ral years now and is finally Ponsse’s official dea­ler. Establis­hed in 2014, Progress-Tec­hik Ltd sells and main­tains forest and wood proces­sing industry pro­ducts.

“Our part­ners­hip star­ted four years ago, and Progress-Technik’s per­son­nel have truly shown that they are an excel­lent part­ner for us in Bul­ga­rian mar­kets. We are also very impres­sed with Progress-Technik’s new faci­li­ties in Pazardz­hik in Cent­ral Bul­ga­ria,” says Antti Räsä­nen, Area Direc­tor at Ponsse.

Forests con­sist of oak-domi­na­ted stands in low­lands, beech-domi­na­ted and mixed beech and softwood forests, and softwood stands in moun­tain areas. The total forest area is little under four mil­lion hec­ta­res, accoun­ting for more than 35% of the country’s total area. Most forests in Bul­ga­ria are young or middle-aged.

The long-term deve­lop­ment was finally sig­ned with an official dea­ler cont­ract. Jussi Hen­tu­nen, Direc­tor, Dea­ler Deve­lop­ment; Ivan Las­kov, Com­mercial Direc­tor; Boji­dar Pet­kov, CEO; and Antti Räsä­nen, Area Direc­tor

Progress-Tech­nik held the grand ope­ning of its new faci­li­ties and a har­ves­ting demon­stra­tion, att­rac­ting a large group of visi­tors inte­res­ted in forest mac­hi­nes and the forest industry.