Renewed Ponsse values

Ponsse has a strong and unique cul­ture. The people of Ponsse, eve­ryw­here in our Ponsse network, are the company’s main and most impor­tant asset throug­hout its his­tory. We star­ted out to explore Ponsse’s cul­ture, because we wan­ted to unders­tand what our cul­ture is made of and how we could deve­lop it furt­her as our ope­ra­ting envi­ron­ment con­ti­nues to change. Our stra­te­gic goal is to build a strong cul­ture, and we want to invest in it. Throug­hout our his­tory, Ponsse’s cul­ture has been one of our strengths and it has allowed us to stand out from our com­pe­ti­tors and other emplo­yers.

By explo­ring our cul­ture, we gai­ned valuable feed­back and more speci­fic insights into what we want to deve­lop in our cul­ture and how we can work toget­her to con­ti­nue to be success­ful in the future. One of the first deve­lop­ment steps is rela­ted to Ponsse’s values.

We renewed Ponsse’s values res­pec­ting our strong cul­ture, while also addres­sing the requi­re­ments of modern wor­king life, future deve­lop­ment needs and our personnel’s feed­back on our cul­ture and values.

PONSSE SPI­RIT is about doing things toget­her. It means that “we” is always more impor­tant than “I”, even though we also take care of the indi­vi­dual. It also means doing the best for the cus­to­mer with great pro­fes­sio­nal pride and a twinkle in your eye. Ponsse spi­rit comes to rea­lity through the eve­ry­day work of every Ponsse emplo­yee. That’s why we call Ponsse’s values the Ponsse Spi­rit. This Ponsse Spi­rit is con­veyed in our daily work to the cus­to­mer, because they are the rea­son we exist.





“The Ponsse spi­rit beco­mes rea­lity when we ope­rate in line with our values”

Our values guide our daily acti­vi­ties and allow eve­ry­one at Ponsse to have a say in the future direc­tion of our cul­ture. When we act accor­ding to our values, we have a posi­tive impact on job satis­fac­tion and coo­pe­ra­tion wit­hin our Ponsse network, and thus on the cus­to­mer expe­rience.