SIA Gran­tini 1 takes care of almost 10 percent of all forest har­ves­ting in Lat­via

Few com­pa­nies can say they take care of almost 10 percent of all forest har­ves­ting in their home country. In the coming years, Lat­vian com­pany SIA Gran­tini 1 will come very close to achie­ving a 10 percent share, as approxi­ma­tely 12 mil­lion cubic met­res of forest is har­ves­ted annually in Lat­via, and SIA Gran­tini 1 alone har­vests approxi­ma­tely one mil­lion cubic met­res. Lat­via may be a small country, but it does have a lot of forests.

“We ope­rate wit­hin a radius of around 200 kilo­met­res from a vil­lage cal­led Ranka. This area covers approxi­ma­tely half of Lat­via’s sur­face area and most of its forest areas,” says Gun­dars Juražs, Tech­nical Direc­tor of SIA Gran­tini 1.

The com­pany got its special name from the gra­velly soil type of its home­town. Since a com­pany with that name already exis­ted, the num­ber 1 was added after the name.

“Our com­pany began ope­ra­tions in 1992, shortly after we regai­ned our inde­pen­dence after the col­lapse of the Soviet Union. We star­ted fore­stry work with a simple chain­saw and then acqui­red some Bela­rus trac­tors to use as forwar­ders. We purc­ha­sed our first real forest mac­hine in 2000, a pre-owned red forwar­der. In 2004, we purc­ha­sed our first new forest mac­hine, a Val­met 911 har­ves­ter,” says Juražs.

The Lat­vian com­pany has had both red and green forest mac­hi­nes. Its first Ponsse was acqui­red in 2021, and now it already has fif­teen, inclu­ding three PONSSE Scor­pion Kings, one PONSSE Giant, two PONSSE Ergos and one PONSSE Cobra as har­ves­ters, plus five PONSSE Buf­falo and two PONSSE Elep­hant forwar­ders.

“In the begin­ning we only had red forest mac­hi­nes, then red and green ones, and in the future green and yel­low ones. Howe­ver, we do not want to switch to a single brand, as we want to cons­tantly test mac­hi­nes from two manu­fac­tu­rers and, of course, also main­tain com­pe­ti­tion,” Juražs emp­ha­si­ses.

5000 hours a year

SIA Gran­tini 1’s forest mac­hi­nes are dri­ven up to 5000 hours a year. There are three dri­vers per new mac­hine, one of whom dri­ves a 12-hour shift, one who rests and one who is on exten­ded leave. The older mac­hi­nes are used only for single shifts at a time. The ground is often soft, in which case tracks up to 1.2 met­res wide are used on top of the wheels. In Lat­via, there is an old law that limits the sur­face area for clear-cut­ting to a maxi­mum of five hec­ta­res, and on wet lands to only two hec­ta­res.

“About half of Lat­via’s forests are pri­vate and half state-owned. We just won a big ten­der for har­ves­ting in state forests. As a result, our annual har­ves­ting volu­mes will inc­rease from approxi­ma­tely 800,000 to 1,000,000 cubic met­res. We have made invest­ments of eight mil­lion euros and inc­rea­sed our staff from 150 to 200.”

Approxi­ma­tely 80 percent of the company’s har­ves­ting invol­ves final fel­ling and 20 percent thin­ning. Lat­vian pulpwood is mainly sold to Swe­den and Fin­land, while logs are sent to Lat­vian or Esto­nian saw­mills. The com­pany also supplies wood to fac­to­ries that manu­fac­ture plywood and fibre­board.

“We have 15 of our own tim­ber trucks, but they are only used to trans­port trees from pri­vate forests. For state forest cont­racts, we only handle the har­ves­ting, not trans­ports.”

Diverse busi­ness ope­ra­tions

Alt­hough forest har­ves­ting is the company’s main busi­ness, these ope­ra­tions also include the pro­duc­tion of wood chips along­side log­ging and trans­por­ta­tion. In addi­tion, the com­pany has its own solar power plant, a wind power plant and two hydro­power plants. The company’s ori­gi­nal fields have been ren­ted out, but the com­pany still breeds race­hor­ses, while the fields are used to grow bread grain.

“We have our own mec­ha­nics, and our fleet is kept in good con­di­tion toget­her with Ponsse ser­vice repre­sen­ta­tive SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery. The official Ponsse repre­sen­ta­tive in the Bal­tics SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery has five ser­vice points in dif­fe­rent parts of the country, as well as its Bal­tic spare parts centre and headquar­ters in Jel­gava. When 80,000 to 90,000 cubic met­res of wood is har­ves­ted or forwar­ded by a single mac­hine per year, ser­vice must work 24/7,” says Juražs.

SIA Gran­tini 1 usually replaces its forest mac­hi­nes after 20,000 hours, alt­hough up to 70,000 hours have been dri­ven on a single mac­hine at most.

Strong demand for good dri­vers

As in many other count­ries, there is a shor­tage of good forest mac­hine dri­vers in Lat­via.

“Only around 15 to 20 forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors gra­duate from the one school in Lat­via. This is now­here near enough for the needs of forest mac­hine com­pa­nies.”

SIA Gran­tini 1 has plans to acquire Ponsse and John Deere simu­la­tors for dri­ver trai­ning. The com­pa­ny’s most expe­rienced dri­vers also serve as part-time instruc­tors for new dri­vers.

Val­dis Dai­nis of SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery, which repre­sents Ponsse in Lat­via, Gun­dars Juražs of SIA Gran­tini 1 and Gints Frei­den­felds of SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery fami­lia­ri­sed them­sel­ves with the new Ponsse Giant har­ves­ter at the Finn­METKO 2024 trade fair. Gran­tini 1 has orde­red a simi­lar mac­hine with a new H7 har­ves­ting head, which will be deli­ve­red at the end of the year.
Lat­vians Val­dis Dai­nis from SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery, Gun­dars Juražs from SIA Gran­tini 1 and Gints Frei­den­felds from SIA Bal­tic Agro Mac­hi­nery met at the Finn­METKO trade fair in Jäm­sän­koski and enjo­yed their time.