Solu­tions that improve the operator’s ergo­nomy and make wor­king easier

Ponsse is cons­tantly impro­ving wor­king com­fort and ergo­no­mics for forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors. Solu­tions and the world’s best forest mac­hi­nes are deve­lo­ped with ope­ra­tors and cus­to­mers. The upgra­ded PONSSE Wisent and Elk forwar­ders, the new PONSSE Arm­rests and eArm­rests, and the Active Cabin sus­pen­sion sys­tem, now avai­lable as an option for PONSSE Wisent and Elk, improve the operator’s wor­king com­fort and pro­duc­ti­vity even furt­her.

For forest mac­hine ope­ra­tors, ergo­no­mics plays a sig­ni­ficant role when they work long shifts in chal­len­ging con­di­tions. Repe­ti­tive move­ments, heavy work pha­ses and sta­tic pos­tu­res cause high workloads. Any lack of pro­per ergo­no­mics may reduce the operator’s abi­lity to work and even result in severe health issues.

Good ergo­no­mics in the forest machine’s cabin reduces any unneces­sary strain direc­ted at the ope­ra­tor and makes wor­king more com­for­table. When work equip­ment can be adjus­ted to meet the operator’s indi­vi­dual needs, stress can be reduced, and the ope­ra­tor can concent­rate bet­ter and lon­ger on pro­duc­tive work.

A small but sig­ni­ficant update

PONSSE Arm­rests & eArm­rests were deve­lo­ped to pro­vide each forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor per­so­na­lized ope­ra­ting expe­rience. They have been desig­ned to match each operator’s per­so­nal mea­su­re­ments and wor­king style. The new arm­rests pre­vent the risk of neck and shoul­der inju­ries and reduce any strain caused by work.

PONSSE Arm­rests fully mec­ha­nical arm­rests are equip­ped with large loc­king levers which enable easy adjust­ments for the height, length, pivot, tilt, width and wrist angle. The arm­rests can be adjus­ted safely, each adjust­ment sepa­ra­tely, wit­hout nee­ding to sup­port the arm­rest. The new arm­rests fea­ture clear nume­rical sca­les for each joint that help set per­so­na­lized and repea­table adjust­ments for each ope­ra­tor.

With PONSSE eArm­rests the height and length can be adjus­ted elect­rically where all other adjust­ments are iden­tical to fully mec­ha­nical Arm­rests. To make shift chan­ges smoot­her, each operator’s elect­rical adjust­ments can be sto­red into memory quickly and easily. When an operator’s shift starts, they can simply push a but­ton to ret­rieve their indi­vi­dual set­tings auto­ma­tically. 

The mec­ha­nical PONSSE Arm­rests will be avai­lable as stan­dard and PONSSE eArm­rests as an optio­nal equip­ment for all PONSSE har­ves­ters and forwar­ders.

To make every day even more com­for­table for ope­ra­tors

The PONSSE Active Cabin sus­pen­sion sys­tem avai­lable for the upgra­ded Wisent and Elk forwar­ders makes dri­ving even more enjo­y­able and helps the ope­ra­tor keep going. It reduces the effects of long-term strain during the wor­king day, as the ope­ra­tor is sub­ject to lower vibra­tions and impacts. This is pos­sible because of Active Cabin’s four sus­pen­sion ele­ments that very effec­ti­vely reduce any vibra­tion direc­ted at the cabin. As a result, wor­king on une­ven and hard grounds as well in dif­ficult ter­rain is more enjo­y­able and pro­duc­tive.

PONSSE Active Cabin is avai­lable as optio­nal equip­ment for the PONSSE Wisent, Elk, Buf­falo, Buf­falo King, Elep­hant, Elep­hant King and Mam­moth forwar­ders.

We wan­ted to make wor­king more effec­tive!

PONSSE Active Seat, avai­lable for PONSSE forwar­ders, impro­ves the operator’s efficiency and wor­king con­di­tions. It also reduces any strain on the ope­ra­tor. The rota­ting seat, which auto­ma­tically fol­lows the loa­der tip, gives the ope­ra­tor a direct and clear view to the wor­king sec­tor at all times. The fea­ture sig­ni­ficantly reduces the operator’s head move­ments, which in turn impro­ves the operator’s well­being and wor­king efficiency.

PONSSE Active Seat is avai­lable as optio­nal equip­ment for all PONSSE forwar­ders equip­ped with PONSSE Active Crane.


Don’t be foo­led by the small size of the PONSSE Elk forwar­der! Thanks to the upgra­ded frame struc­ture and middle joint, the forwar­der now offers more flexi­bi­lity and dura­bi­lity. The new Elk is an efficient yet agile forwar­der with an excel­lent load-car­rying capacity rela­tive to the mac­hine weight. The power­ful and highly res­pon­sive engine, com­bi­ned with impres­sive torque and the sturdy loa­der, makes wor­king quick and efficient. What is more, the ope­ra­tor can enjoy the most spacious cabin on the mar­ket and ergo­no­mic cont­rols. The cont­rols offer the best level of ergo­no­mics avai­lable in any forest mac­hine. The large cabin and win­dows, with the nar­row win­dow pil­lars, ensure excel­lent visi­bi­lity in all direc­tions. The new PONSSE Elk is at home on thin­ning sites where con­di­tions change, and dis­tances can be long.

New PONSSE Wisent – pro­duc­ti­vity with low emis­sions

The small new PONSSE Wisent offers big fea­tu­res, while the modern engine tech­no­logy keeps emis­sions and ope­ra­ting costs low. This helps improve ope­ra­tio­nal efficiency and wor­king con­di­tions. The excel­lent weight distri­bu­tion and geo­metry of the new Wisent make wor­king easier and keep the ground pres­sure excep­tio­nally low. In addi­tion, the machine’s agi­lity and good visi­bi­lity from the cabin in all direc­tions reduce damage to trees remai­ning in the forest. Low emis­sions enable more sus­tai­nable har­ves­ting. As the new PONSSE Wisent lacks neit­her power nor load-car­rying capacity, less dri­ving is requi­red to haul logs from the forest to the road­side. The robust middle pivot has been cast to last, and the 44-degree stee­ring angle helps the ope­ra­tor to maneu­ver the mac­hine on nar­row and twisty log­ging trails.

Renewed PONSSE Wisent

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact your PONSSE dea­ler or visit