Steady growth in Swe­den, Norway and Den­mark for seve­ral deca­des

The com­mit­ted staff and compre­hen­sive ser­vice network in Swe­den, Norway and Den­mark have deve­lo­ped over the years to res­pond to cus­to­mers’ needs. Anni­ver­sa­ries in Swe­den and Norway are celebra­ted accor­ding to the Ponsse way – with cus­to­mers!

Ponsse Swe­den 30 years

This year, Ponsse’s sub­si­diary in Swe­den will celebrate its 30th anni­ver­sary on the forest mac­hine mar­ket. Mana­ging Direc­tor Carl-Hen­rik Ham­mar has held the reins of Ponsse’s ope­ra­tions in Swe­den for the last nine years. He says
that the forest mac­hine mar­ket and industry have chan­ged along the years.

“There were not many PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes in Swe­den when the com­pany
was establis­hed in 1994. Our mar­ket share has grown stea­dily ever since. For the last three deca­des, we have slowly but surely built and strengt­he­ned the Ponsse brand,” Ham­mar says.

See­king to pro­vide first-rate ser­vice

During the last decade, the com­pany has focused on its ser­vice network and the smooth deli­very of spare parts.

“It will be great to celebrate our joint accomplish­ments with our cus­to­mers. It is impor­tant to gat­her toget­her to celebrate this miles­tone,” Ham­mar says.

“When I star­ted here at Ponsse AB, we only had two ser­vice cen­ters. Now we have eight, and we also work with 17 ser­vice dea­lers across the country. Our head office is in Sura­ham­mar, and we already have 73 Ponsse emplo­yees in Swe­den. Impro­ving our ser­vice network has been one of our prio­ri­ties, along with spare parts logis­tics.”

Ham­mar adds that, along­side our ser­vice offe­ring, pro­ducts are still at the core of Ponsse’s ope­ra­tions.

“We should not for­get the impor­tance of excel­lent pro­ducts. Our mac­hi­nes undergo con­ti­nuous deve­lop­ment to ensure their relia­bi­lity and tech­nical per­for­mance.”

There are roughly a thousand PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes in Swe­den, and sig­ni­ficant growth is expec­ted, as it is the world’s lar­gest mar­ket for cut-to-length forest mac­hi­nes.

“Sweden’s forest industry is fairly stable, and we expect the forest mac­hine mar­ket to grow. We also aim to improve our ser­vice network furt­her. The network’s cove­rage has been impro­ved during the last ten years, and now we seek to pro­vide the best ser­vice in the industry for our cus­to­mers,” Ham­mar says.

“Deve­lo­ping ser­vices in Swe­den, Norway and Den­mark is impor­tant to us. We also have a large mac­hine stock in Den­mark, and our ser­vice dea­lers keep cus­to­mers’ mac­hi­nes up and run­ning,” Ham­mar says in sum­mary.

Celebra­ting the anni­ver­sary with cus­to­mers

We want to celebrate our 30-year jour­ney with the people who have made it pos­sible – our cus­to­mers. In celebra­tion of our anni­ver­sary, we will host the two-day Ponsse Show Swe­den event on 14 and 15 June. The event will fea­ture forest mac­hine demon­stra­tions, eve­ning acti­vi­ties and pos­sibly a few surpri­ses.

The first Ponsse Show Swe­den was held in Sura­ham­mar in 2022. The warm-hear­ted event brought cus­to­mers and part­ners in Swe­den toget­her, and this year’s event will celebrate the company’s anni­ver­sary.

Ponsse Norway 25 years

Ponsse’s Norwe­gian sub­si­diary was establis­hed in 1998. Its head office in Kongs­vin­ger in Sout­hern Norway is home to 14 emplo­yees who serve cus­to­mers in coo­pe­ra­tion with seven ser­vice dea­lers across the country.

Celebra­ting with cus­to­mers

The 20,000th PONSSE forest mac­hine comple­ted at the Vie­remä fac­tory at the end of last year was deli­ve­red to Lågen Skogsdrift AS in Norway. The PONSSE Bear mac­hine equip­ped with the PONSSE H8 har­ves­ter head was recei­ved by brot­hers Harald and Gun­nar Evju, owners of Lågen Skogsdrift AS. The com­pany is based in Svars­tad in the south of Norway.

Ponsse Norway’s anni­ver­sary was celebra­ted with Lågen Skogsdfrift and Ponsse’s
people in Vie­remä.

“We have ser­ved cus­to­mers in Norway for 25 years now. We have grown with our cus­to­mers and gai­ned a fairly large mar­ket share. Our ser­vice dea­lers are close to cus­to­mers, and we have inc­re­dibly com­mit­ted staff,” says Carl-Hen­rik Ham­mar, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ponsse AB and Ponsse AS.

The com­pa­ny’s sense of com­mu­nity and forest mac­hi­nes ins­pi­red Jan Erling Yri to start as a Country Mana­ger

Jan Erling Yri.

“I have always found forest mac­hi­nes inte­res­ting and con­si­de­red Ponsse an inno­va­tive and advanced com­pany. When I saw that Ponsse was loo­king for a Country Mana­ger in Norway, I thought that I could be the right choice. As I have unders­tood thus far, the company’s com­mu­nal, cus­to­mer-dri­ven and down-to-earth approach is at the core of daily acti­vi­ties,” says Jan Erling Yri, Country Mana­ger of Ponsse AS.

Cur­rently, there are some 350 PONSSE mac­hi­nes in Norway, Scor­pion Giant and Elep­hant King repre­sen­ting the majo­rity. Accor­ding to Yri, the popu­la­rity of Scor­pion Giant in Norway is based on its abi­lity to ope­rate on steep slo­pes and its ver­sa­ti­lity in chal­len­ging ter­rain con­di­tions. When it comes to the pro­per­ties of Elep­hant King, Norwe­gian cus­to­mers think highly of the machine’s ope­ra­tions in dif­ficult and steep ter­rain, as well as its excel­lent per­for­mance.

“Norwe­gian cus­to­mers appreciate, above all, the per­for­mance, relia­bi­lity and flexi­bi­lity of PONSSE mac­hi­nes. Accor­ding to feed­back given by cont­rac­tors, Ponsse’s mac­hi­nes are also eco­no­mical,” Yri says.

Yri will learn more about the forest industry and pave the way for the com­pany towards even bet­ter growth.

“We expect to main­tain and strengt­hen our posi­tion in Norway and inc­rease our pre­sence in new regions that we believe to have sales poten­tial.”

Howe­ver, Yri’s pri­mary goal is to make Ponsse the lea­ding forest mac­hine com­pany in Norway.

“Even though I can­not wait to learn more about the forest mac­hine industry, my key objec­tive is to make Ponsse – with the excel­lent emplo­yees of Ponsse AS – the pre­fer­red part­ner of forest mac­hine cont­rac­tors in Norway.”