Swe­dish Fore­stry Expo – a new mee­ting place in the forest industry

Swe­dish Fore­stry Expo, a major forest industry event, was held in Stock­holm at the begin­ning of June. During the three-day exhi­bi­tion, 150 exhi­bi­tors demon­stra­ted forest industry mac­hi­nes and ser­vices to more than 10,000 visi­tors from over 30 count­ries.

“The idea for the exhi­bi­tion came from us and other forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rers. We wan­ted to try somet­hing new, focusing above all on pro­ducts and ser­vices, and we wan­ted the event to be easily acces­sible by visi­tors. The Mas­kin­Le­ve­ran­tö­rerna orga­ni­sa­tion and its forest industry mem­bers star­ted to orga­nise the event, which was finally held this year,” says Carl-Hen­rik Ham­mar, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Ponsse AB.

“For Ponsse, the exhi­bi­tion was a success. We recei­ved not­hing but posi­tive feed­back on the demon­stra­tions of PONSSE EV1, our elect­ric forwar­der, which att­rac­ted hundreds of visi­tors on every day of the event. Best of all, the exhi­bi­tion was an event for pro­fes­sio­nals. All visi­tors were eit­her cus­to­mers or repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of other sta­ke­hol­ders,” Ham­mar says.