Trai­ning is part of Pons­se’s compre­hen­sive solu­tion for cus­to­mers

Ponsse’s trai­ning team, which con­sists of a ver­sa­tile group of dif­fe­rent specia­lists, ensu­res that PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes can be used effec­ti­vely, safely and eco­no­mically at log­ging sites around the world. The work done by the team pays off in the long term after new know­ledge turns into prac­tical rou­ti­nes.


When a new Ponsse mac­hine is deli­ve­red, the deli­very inclu­des compre­hen­sive ope­ra­tor trai­ning. The main goal of ope­ra­tor trai­ning is to pro­vide cus­to­mers and their dri­vers with know­ledge and exper­tise about new solu­tions and the use of mac­hi­nes.

Ponsse has an exten­sive network of ope­ra­ting trai­ners in dif­fe­rent count­ries who con­ti­nuo­usly train mac­hine users to ope­rate safely and energy-efficiently with Ponsse’s forest mac­hi­nes. Ope­ra­tor trai­ning is often given by the forest mac­hine on site, but nowa­days PONSSE simu­la­tors are also often used, which make it easy to update skills.

Ponsse factory’s 11 ope­ra­ting trai­ners handle the task of teac­hing essen­tial skills to the Ponsse network’s ope­ra­ting trai­ners.


Ope­ra­tor trai­ning focuses on ensu­ring com­pe­tence. Whe­ne­ver a cus­to­mer acqui­res their first PONSSE forest­mac­hine, they will be taught eve­ryt­hing they need to know about the new mac­hine model. Otherwise if an ope­ra­tor has years of expe­rience with PONSSE mac­hi­nes, their pre­vious skills will be upda­ted.

Ope­ra­tor trai­ning covers the safe way of wor­king, mac­hine main­te­nance and ser­vicing, data trans­fer sys­tems and their use, repor­ting, mac­hine and ope­ra­tor adjust­ments, as well as auto­ma­tion. Its other areas include the wor­king met­hods requi­red when using dif­fe­rent mac­hine models at dif­fe­rent log­ging sites.

While new ope­ra­tors can be pro­vi­ded with simu­la­tor trai­ning, trai­ning is otherwise pro­vi­ded during the mac­hine deli­very. If requi­red, trai­ning can also be con­ti­nued remo­tely online or by telep­hone.

“Trai­ners ensure that ope­ra­tors’ skills are at a suf­ficient level, and improve them if requi­red, so that mac­hi­nes can be ope­ra­ted safely and effec­ti­vely,” says pro­duct trai­ner Hannu Vauh­ko­nen.

Ponsse pro­vi­des not only ope­ra­tor trai­ning, but also pro­duct and addi­tio­nal trai­ning, inclu­ding effec­tive mac­hine ope­ra­tions in the hands of pro­fes­sio­nal ope­ra­tors.


Ergo­no­mics and well­being are impor­tant ele­ments of trai­ning. Ope­ra­tors are taught how to adjust the seat and cont­rols and how to use dif­fe­rent auto­ma­ted func­tions to reduce phy­sical stress. As a result, ope­ra­tors will have more energy during their time off. Wor­king met­hods deve­lop and become easier as the mac­hi­nes and their tech­no­logy deve­lop, high­ligh­ting the con­ti­nuous deve­lop­ment of exper­tise.

Ponsse wants to pro­vide its cus­to­mers with a compre­hen­sive solu­tion, and trai­ning is an impor­tant part of that.

“When our cus­to­mer buys a mac­hine, that is not the apex of our coo­pe­ra­tion, but rat­her the star­ting point of the story,” notes Jussi Jur­va­nen, trai­ning mana­ger at Ponsse.


Ponsse’s trai­ning day was held for the per­son­nel of Kimmo Kulo­järvi Oy, a com­pany ope­ra­ting in Eas­tern Lapland and the Koil­lis­maa region. As many as 15 emplo­yees, from har­ves­ter to forwar­der ope­ra­tors, par­tici­pa­ted in the event along­side emplo­yees of subcont­rac­tors.

“Eve­ry­one was exci­ted about the trai­ning day. The trai­ning pro­vi­ded the pro­fes­sio­nals with new ideas about har­ves­ting met­hods. They really unders­tood that work does not always need to be done in the same way it has been done before,” notes mana­ging direc­tor Kimmo Kulo­järvi.

For Kulo­järvi, well­being at work and the energy-efficient way of wor­king were the most sig­ni­ficant parts of the trai­ning. “All new know­ledge that ope­ra­tors learn is always a good thing. The best part was lear­ning how ope­ra­tors can keep get­ting bet­ter throug­hout the wor­king day. If work can be made ligh­ter through trai­ning, ope­ra­tors will have more energy when they go home at the end of the day. This would be a major incen­tive for me,” says Kulo­järvi.

The trai­ning cove­red such fac­tors as crane adjust­ments and strengt­he­ning the ope­ra­tors’ cur­rent skills. The trai­ning made the ope­ra­tors think about their work, and the aim is to hold anot­her trai­ning day shortly regar­ding the use of the mea­su­ring device and all its fea­tu­res.