Used mac­hi­nes going strong!

The trade in used forest mac­hi­nes has inc­rea­sed in popu­la­rity. Ins­pec­ted, ser­viced and chea­per mac­hi­nes in good con­di­tion can quickly begin pro­duc­tive work. After a reliable cus­to­mer rela­tions­hip, even the pre­vious num­ber of wor­king hours of the mac­hine does not cause fear.

Desc­ri­bing cur­rent forest mac­hine sales in Fin­land in brief, Fin­nish com­pa­nies purc­hase new mac­hi­nes, and used mac­hi­nes recog­ni­sed on the balance sheet of com­pa­nies that sell new mac­hi­nes are tra­ded to other count­ries, say in the Bal­tics or Europe.

While used mac­hi­nes also remain in Fin­land to extend their careers, Fin­nish cus­to­mers mainly pre­fer new mac­hi­nes. Recent years have res­ha­ped the mind­set of many ent­repre­neurs: the glo­bal coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic fol­lowed by the war in Ukraine with its far-reac­hing con­sequences has resul­ted not only in radically exten­ded deli­very times but also in hig­her prices for every forest mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rer.

A used forest mac­hine in good con­di­tion has also become an even more att­rac­tive option for cont­rac­tors who have nor­mally purc­ha­sed their mac­hi­nes new.


For PH-Forest Oy based in Kor­pi­lahti, the purc­hase of PONSSE forest mac­hi­nes, eit­her new or used depen­ding on the situa­tion, has been an exten­ded tra­di­tion, and the 18-mac­hine com­pany has not been forced to choose due to the cur­rent situa­tion. Pasi Hyny­nen from PH-Forest says that this prac­tice has been a par­ticu­larly good one when inc­rea­sing the size of the com­pany.

“When we’ve added mac­hi­nes to our fleet, we’ve usually star­ted with a used mac­hine and then chan­ged it for a new one after a few years,” Pasi says. The most recently added used mac­hine is a Scor­pion King dating back a few years, which was ori­gi­nally acqui­red as a lea­sed mac­hine. “Shortly afterwards I deci­ded to buy it, and we even­tually ended up purc­ha­sing three used Scor­pions during the autumn and win­ter,” Pasi says.

Cur­rently, used mac­hine sales are thri­ving, and quick deci­sions and a keen eye are requi­red.

“Whe­ne­ver we’re in a situa­tion where we require a new mac­hine, I con­tact Pekka Rajala, Ponsse’s area sales mana­ger in Jyväs­kylä. He then starts to look for the per­fect option for us,” Hyny­nen says.

Pasi Hynynen poseeraa kädet taskussa Ponsse-koneen edessä.
Hol­ding the cont­rols. Pasi Hyny­nen star­ted as a forest mac­hine ent­repre­neur in the Jyväs­kylä region in 2006, and now PH-Forest ope­ra­tes 18 mac­hi­nes and uses subcont­rac­tors when requi­red. Pasi Hyny­nen has ope­ra­ted forest mac­hi­nes since 1998.

“Deli­very times have been quite long in recent years,” says Pasi Hyny­nen. “But it’s not the only rea­son. I believe that a used mac­hine in good con­di­tion is the right choice, in forwar­ders and har­ves­ters alike, to boost a company’s growth. It’s a lightweight invest­ment com­pa­red to a new mac­hine, and when it’s time to change, we’ve recei­ved rea­so­nable amounts for trade-in mac­hi­nes,” Pasi says, desc­ri­bing the rea­sons under­lying their deci­sion.


Cur­rently, PH-Forest ope­ra­tes 18 mac­hi­nes, and it uses subcont­rac­tors whe­ne­ver requi­red. Ponsse is clearly the num­ber one brand, as the com­pany has three Ergos, seven Scor­pions, two Elks and five Buf­fa­los. This makes a total of 17, with one mac­hine from anot­her brand.

“I was born and rai­sed in Vie­remä, right next to the fac­tory,” Pasi says. “As my fat­her wor­ked for nearly 40 years at Ponsse, it was the only brand for us,” he laughs.

Pasi’s own active forest mac­hine career star­ted in 1998 when he was 16 years old. “I star­ted by ope­ra­ting a forwar­der,” Hyny­nen remem­bers.

“In 2006, I star­ted my own busi­ness here in the Jyväs­kylä region and sig­ned an agree­ment for one har­ves­ter with the Päi­jänne forest mana­ge­ment associa­tion,” he con­ti­nues.

In only 16 years, the com­pany has grown con­si­de­rably. Its cur­rent cont­rac­tual part­ners are Ver­sowood, JPJ-Wood Oy’s Kor­kea­koski-based saw­mill, and still today the Päi­jänne forest mana­ge­ment associa­tion. The com­pany ope­ra­tes wit­hin a radius of 100 kilo­met­res from Kor­pi­lahti in cent­ral Fin­land, and its har­ves­ters are ope­ra­ted in one shift, and forwar­ders in two.

One of eigh­teen. Cur­rently, PH-Forest has 18 mac­hi­nes, 17 of which are PONS­SEs. Of these, seven are Scor­pions.


When we get back to tal­king about used mac­hi­nes, Hyny­nen under­li­nes the trust between the sel­ler and cus­to­mer.

“Alt­hough the range of mac­hine sel­lers is broad, I’ve always tur­ned to my go-to sel­ler. As it’s always been easy and effec­tive to work with Ponsse and Pekka Rajala, there’s been no rea­son to look elsew­here,” Pasi says.

Howe­ver, per­so­nal exper­tise and know­ledge of mac­hi­nes have always been part of every deal. “Having ope­ra­ted Scor­pions since 2015, you know what to look for, and you can also eva­luate each mac­hine based on its his­tory.”

When it comes to har­ves­ters, Pasi Hyny­nen con­si­ders the har­ves­ter head to be a good indica­tor of the machine’s ove­rall con­di­tion. “The har­ves­ter head model and how it’s been used say a lot – the tree sizes it’s been used with and the parts that have become worn,” he says.

This infor­ma­tion speaks volu­mes for the machine’s his­tory and pos­sibly its future. “Of course, when you buy a mac­hine, you also learn about its main­te­nance his­tory and its pre­vious ope­ra­tions. Often, it also helps if you know who the machine’s pre­vious owner was,” Pasi says.

As a rule, it’s easier to buy mac­hi­nes whose pre­vious owners have a repu­ta­tion of being dili­gent and meticu­lous. For example, Pasi says that the cur­rently ope­ra­ting Scor­pion is a good-con­di­tion forest mac­hine.


As anot­her key fac­tor that helps seal the deal, Hyny­nen men­tions Ponsse’s recon­di­tio­ning ope­ra­tions for used mac­hi­nes, which means not only that mac­hi­nes are recon­di­tio­ned, but also that they are re-equip­ped whe­ne­ver a cus­to­mer requi­res somet­hing new. Of course, you can always fix mac­hi­nes your­self, but accor­ding to Hyny­nen, having a mac­hine chec­ked reliably and pro­fes­sio­nally before buying it is also pro­fi­table for future ope­ra­tions.

Pasi also finds the purc­hase of a used mac­hine to be pro­fi­table in a broa­der sense. When a deal can be sea­led quickly, a high-qua­lity used mac­hine offers leve­rage and flexi­bi­lity, both financially and when facing the pres­sure of long deli­very times and ope­ra­tio­nal growth.