Wahlers Forsttechnik — Collaboration for Three Decades
The linear distance between Stemmen, Wahlers Forsttechnik’s headquarters, and Vieremä, Finland, is 1,540 km. By land, this is a driving distance of 2,318 km. When a partnership works over such a long distance, it is mainly due to the people involved.
How It All Began?
In 1934, Johann Wahlers and his wife Erna founded a blacksmith shop in a small village called Lauenbrück in Lower Saxony. It took a lot of improvisational talent to keep the farmers’ machines operational. His son, Hans Wahlers, worked in the blacksmith shop as a child. He trained in this profession, gained outside experience, and returned to his parents’ business and passed his master craftsman’s examination. The blacksmith’s job description changed: the focus was no longer on shoeing horses and the manufacture or repair of simple agricultural equipment, but on the sale and maintenance of complex machines, such as loading equipment. In addition, Wahlers took over a representation of the tractor manufacturer Deutz. Wahlers also specialised in the construction of fairground vehicles.
In 1971 Hans Wahlers took over his father’s well-established business. The reason he got involved in forestry technology was a fully equipped service vehicle that enabled him to carry out difficult repairs directly on site. He needed to help the Scandinavian forestry contractors who were working with their machines in northern Germany to clear the damage caused by a large storm. Incidentally, among those forestry contractors was one certain Einari Vidgrén from Vieremä, Finland, who had made his way to Germany with his first forwarder.
Einari Vidgrén had made the move from being a forestry contractor to being a manufacturer of forestry machines. At the Elmia Wood Exhibition 1993 in Sweden, the two signed a partnership agreement between Ponsse and Wahlers Forsttechnik. The import, sale and service of Ponsse harvesters and forwarders became the basis of the business.
Collaboration in Three Generations
Hans and his wife Lola Wahlers were very lucky with their daughters. Anne and Monika both saw their future in the family business. However, they were as lucky with their sons-in-law Ralf Dreeke and Michael Rathjen, who also saw it the same way. They took over the management of Wahlers Forsttechnik in 1999.
The women of the family business have been involved for generations in the company’s operations in one way or the other, and Anne and Monika do not deviate from here. Monika trained as a blacksmith in her parents’ business, became the best in her guild and even earned her master’s title in this profession and has been working in the company ever since. This was a rarity for a woman at that time. Anne also started early in her parents’ business and took on office work.
Under the forward-thinking leadership of Ralf Dreeke and Michael Rathjen, Wahlers Forsttechnik has grown into a company with 130 employees and is the largest Ponsse dealer worldwide. The two companies fit together very well: both are family-owned, and both always focus on the customer.
Ralf Dreeke and Michael Rathjen are gradually withdrawing from day-to-day business. However, they continue to work for the industry and maintain customer contacts. Marius Dreeke, son of Anne and Ralf, and Gerit Koch, husband of Marlene Rathjen-Koch, daughter of Monika and Michael, have taken over as managing partners. Both have been working in the business for a long time. Gerit is primarily responsible for sales, Marius for administration and internal processes.
Look into the Future
A current project is the even better development of the Austrian market, which already belonged to the Wahlers sales territory, but was also served by service partners. In 2019, a subsidiary was founded there, which moved into a larger workshop a year later. A salesperson and six service employees now work here, largely independent of their German colleagues.
Across all generations, this has resulted in something that is not just a business relationship, but a friendship with a common goal. What Hans Wahlers started is being continued by the third generation.
The year 2024 is Wahlers’ 90th anniversary. Our warmest congratulations on the long journey we have been able to share with you!