What kind of a ‘Ponsse’ is that going to be? 

A mixed-breed hun­ting dog with a par­ticu­larly low body that the vil­la­gers had dub­bed ‘Ponsse’ used to live in  Vie­remä in the of Nort­hern Savo­nia in Fin­land.  

Ponsse became the sym­bol of care­free access and the joy of moving. Equally care­free was the way he used to run, be it sum­mer heat or a win­ter storm. He did not allow any swamps, moras­ses or thic­kets to slow him down; he was always deter­mi­ned to tra­vel his own paths. And he always came back from his jour­neys hap­pily bar­king. Such was Ponsse, the talk of the day and the favou­rite dog of the vil­la­gers. Now you have a fol­lower worthy of your name – a four-whee­led load-car­rying PONSSE forest trac­tor. Just as fierce as you used to be. Across soft peat­lands, over tall hills, rocks and stumps, just like its pre­deces­sor. Ponsse, you care­free wan­de­rer. We honour your memory by fol­lowing in your foots­teps. Here at Ponsse, we carry on your heri­tage and make forest mac­hi­nes that con­ti­nue to ope­rate reso­lu­tely at log­ging sites across the world. Because just like you, Ponsse the dog, were that trustworthy friend to all the vil­la­gers, we also work hard every day to earn the trust of our cus­to­mers and part­ners. 

This year, Ponsse celebra­tes its 55th year of ope­ra­tion with the theme of Log­ging toget­her worldwide. While the load-car­rying forest trac­tor has chan­ged its shape over the years and deve­lop­ment has con­ti­nued, the story of the company’s name and Ponsse the Dog that wan­de­red around the vil­lage of Vie­remä still lives on. 

To celebrate the anni­ver­sary, we are now publis­hing
a photo of Ponsse the Dog for the first time. 

Read also The Ponsse Story